
What is the Cost of Probating a Will in Texas?

When undergoing the probate process, there can be unexpected procedural requirements, hurdles, and costs that you incur. When planning for probate, it is important to note that the cost of probating a will depends greatly on the size and complexity of the estate. For a multimillion-dollar estate, for example, the cost of probate will be much higher than for an estate work a few thousand dollars. Either way, though, it is important to financially plan for the possible burden that Texas’s probate system can take on you and your family.

Which Parts of Probate Cost Money?

To start, the probate court charges individuals to file papers, process the case, and keep records of everything that is happening. These costs will depend on how many filings you submit, but they can be anywhere from $500 to $5,000. One way to make sure these costs are kept at a minimum is ensuring that when you file something, it has all of the correct information the first time, so that you only have to file once.

It also typically costs money to retain an executor of the estate. An executor’s fees are typically a percentage of the estate – for example, they might be 1-5% of the total value of the estate going through probate. These costs depend on the individual executor, as others charge an hourly rate instead of an overall percentage.

Attorney fees are also part of probate. In Texas, it is not required to have legal representation when you probate a will, but it can often make things much easier in the long term. Appraisers might also charge fees for valuing different parts of an estate, which can again range from $500 to $5,000, depending on the complexity of the estate.

Accounting fees can also come into play, which are costs associated with filing tax returns and organizing estate accounts. These fees are typically at least $1,000, but again, they depend on the complexity of the estate at issue.

How Much Should I Expect to Pay?

It is difficult to provide a concrete number for probate costs, because the process looks so different for every individual. For simpler and smaller estates, probate could cost between $5,000 and $10,000. For more complex estates, probate could end up costing $30,000 or more from start to finish.

Are You Looking to Avoid Probate Altogether?

At McCulloch & Miller, we specialize in the Texas probate process, but we also specialize in estate planning that helps you avoid probate altogether. By creating a long-term plan for you and your loved ones, you can avoid many of the complications and costs associated with probate in Texas. At our firm, we help you create a detailed estate plan that keeps your costs (and your headaches) as minimal as possible. For a consultation with an attorney on our team, give us a call today at 713-597-7176. If you prefer, you can also fill out our online “contact us” form to tell us about your legal needs and have someone reach back as soon as possible.


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