
When is it Time to Update Your Estate Plan?

If you have worked with an attorney to create an estate plan, congratulations – you have completed what many consider to be the hardest part of the estate planning process! At this point, it is natural to wonder if (and when) you might need to update the plan. Today, we review some basics that can help you decide if you might need to revisit an estate plan you created in the past. At the end of the day, if you have questions about whether an update is right for you, speak with a Houston estate planning attorney that can take a look at your circumstances and advise you on the next steps that might be right for you.


As a basic principle, you should update your estate plan every three to five years. Even if the changes you make are minimal, you won’t regret revisiting the plan with your attorney to make sure everything is still up to date.

Life Changes

There are other occasions that warrant an update to your estate plan. If, for example, you move states, you will want to speak with an estate planning attorney in your new state to talk about making changes to your estate plan. Your plan will need to comply with the relevant state laws, which requires some basic updates. You might also consider an update if you reach a milestone like starting a business, retiring, or finding a charitable cause that you care about.

Familial Changes

If there is a change to your family structure, that might also be an apt time to update your estate plan. If you have children, if you get married, if you get divorced, or if you become widowed, your plan will need to be revisited. In any estate plan, it is helpful to explicitly name the beneficiaries that will inherit, and as these beneficiaries change over time, your documents should reflect that.

Asset Changes

Next, it is worthwhile to reconsider your estate plan if you have gained or lost assets. If you’ve inherited or purchased property, for example, you’ll want to include this addition in your plan. If you’ve incurred a debt, lost money, or simply made a change to how you structure your assets, these will also be reasons to rethink your estate plan.

Do You Need a Houston Estate Planning Attorney to Think Through Potential Updates to Your Documents?

At McCulloch & Miller, our estate planning attorneys take pride in ensuring that our clients have a team they can trust and confidence that their loved ones are well-protected moving forward. With over three decades of experience in the state, we are well-positioned to offer advice and help you figure out the best path for you and your family. If you looking to either start drafting or to update your estate plan, we might be just the firm for you.
For a consultation with a member of our team, you can give us a call at 713-903-7879. You can also fill out our online form to have an attorney to reach back out to you as soon as possible about your estate plan.


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