
Elder Abuse Awareness

In a new and dynamic partnership, The Office of the Kansas Securities Commissioner (KSC), the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) recognized World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) earlier in July. WEAAD is a global program created by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization. The primary goal is to provide people around the world with the knowledge and awareness necessary to prevent elder abuse in their communities.

Elder abuse comes in many forms, The Hays (KS) Post explains in a recent article titled “Agencies encourage Kansans to help prevent elder abuse in their communities.” There can be physical, financial, emotional, neglect, or abandonment, with several types of abuse often inflicted at the same time. Financial abuse is considered to be the most common form of abuse to elders, and costs its victims $2.9 billion a year.

Investment fraud is an area of concern because the victims can have their life savings wiped out with little or no opportunity to recover. Investment fraud can come in many forms, the article warns. The investment might be deceptive on its face, or it could be a legitimate product or service that’s unsuitable for the senior’s situation. Other investment problems include unregistered products, theft of funds, and products sold by an unlicensed adviser or broker. Investors and caregivers are urged to “investigate before investing” and to verify if the claims are legitimate and whether there have been any complaints.

Studies show that family members and caregivers are guilty of elder abuse in more than half of these cases. Anyone can, and should, report abuse of an elderly person in any of its forms—physical, emotional or financial. Isolation, loneliness and poor health can put elders in a situation of being at greater risk for these scams.

The DCF has really ramped up its focus on fiduciary abuse over the past few years and has a staff auditor dedicated to pursuing financial exploitation of vulnerable citizens with the help of law enforcement.

“It is the responsibility of every Kansan to report suspected abuse,” DCF Secretary Phyllis Gilmore said. “We strive to work closely with law enforcement and other agencies to protect vulnerable adults.”

For additional information about elder abuse and other elder law topics in Houston, please click here to visit my website.

Reference: The Hays (KS) Post (June 20, 2015) “Agencies encourage Kansans to help prevent elder abuse in their communities”


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