
Articles Posted in Health Savings Account (HSA)


Texas Estate Planning and Health Savings Accounts

There is more to an estate plan than just a will. Other assets are included in estate plans, including financial accounts. Most financial accounts function the same for estate planning purposes. However, health savings accounts—often referred to as HSAs are treated differently in estate plans and from a tax perspective.…


Health Savings Accounts in Texas Estate Plans

Many individuals think about various accounts listed in their estate plan—financial bank accounts, insurance policies, and others. However, health savings accounts function differently than most other accounts but can be critical. They benefit both the creator of the estate plan and their beneficiaries—the individuals who will receive the assets and…


Planning for Medical Expenses During Retirement

The unknown about spending in retirement is not just whether it will be higher or lower, but when during the course of retirement, you’ll be spending more or less. If you downsize, housing costs will decrease, but if you travel more, recreational spending will rise. According to a recent article…

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