
Articles Posted in COVID-19


How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Texans Reevaluating Their Estate Plans

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of life. From health concerns to mental well-being, people approach everyday life—and their future—differently than they did prior to March of 2020. Because of these changes, people are considering their goals and how to secure the financial security of loved ones in case…


Impact of Increasing Healthcare Costs on Texas Estate Plans

Society as a whole has experienced unexpected and overwhelming changes over the past year. These changes have undoubtedly caused people to consult with their Houston estate planning attorneys to address their long-term goals. Recent surveys by TD Wealth highlight several issues that have impacted estate planning. Healthcare Costs Skyrocket, But…


Will Medicare Cover The Cost of a COVID Vaccine For Texas Residents?

During these unprecedented times, Houston residents have many questions about a potential COVID vaccine and whether it will be covered by Medicare. Medicare is a national health insurance program that provides insurance for Americans 65 or older and some younger individuals with a disability. Similarly, Medicare Advantage is a type…


What are Some Good Estate Planning Ideas in the Pandemic?

“The reality of COVID-19 has forced many individuals to address the ‘what if’ scenarios that were previously unthinkable, or at least the situations that no one ever wants to talk about or deal with.” With the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are looking to execute estate plans they’ve delayed in finalizing…


Estate Planning During Your Current Downtime

For many Houstonians, the fear of the unknown health, social, economic, and financial challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic are prompting intense concern and anxiety. If you are self-isolating or quarantining at home, you probably are already creating your new “normal” schedules, researching online resources, and creating ways to find…

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