
Articles Posted in Houston Elder Abuse


Creating an Eldercare Plan is Important to Comprehensive Estate Plan

There is an expression among elder law attorneys called being "elderproofed," according to the Huffington Post in "Writing an Eldercare Plan." This takes planning to the next level, and includes things like how the person wises to be cared for, medical treatment preferences, whether they want to be cared for…


New York Proposes Law to Help Preserve Elderly Victim’s Testimony

The New York State Senate has passed a bill that will make it possible for testimony given by elderly witness to be preserved and used in criminal cases against their abusers, even if the elderly person has passed away or become incapacitated. WHEC reported in its news article, "Senate passes…


New Jersey Women Target Elderly for Financial Scams

This is a story that any professional working with seniors finds particularly abhorrent. An investigation by the New Jersey State Police and the Division of Criminal Justice uncovered a scheme by a New Jersey woman, her sister and several others—including an attorney—to steal millions from elderly clients they were supposed…


California Legislators Provide Shortcut Law to Help Senior Homeowners

Written by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Glendale), a new law, AB 139, is unlike most of the over-reaching and bombastic legislation that originates in the State Capital. As reported in The San Diego Times-Union, "State ushers in refreshingly modest law," this new law makes one aspect of estate planning easier for…


Tennessee Taking the Lead in Elder Abuse Legislation

Eight specific recommendations are now being reviewed by Tennessee state legislators who are responding to the results of a task force that placed a spotlight on a disgraceful problem. A problem that is not limited to any one state. The Elder Abuse Task Force submitted a final report on its…

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