
Articles Posted in Estate Planning


Robin Williams Will Limits Use of Likeness

Certain celebrities continue to earn phenomenal amounts of money, even though they are deceased. Using advanced technology, audiences enjoy what appear to be live performances and new material from actors and singers who have been gone for decades. Holograms are good enough to convince stadiums filled with fans that they…


Escheatment: Monitor Unclaimed Property Lists

A state government has the legal right to claim the property of a person who has passed away and has no heirs or beneficiaries. Here's the problem: almost all state governments today are experiencing significant shortfalls in revenues. As a result, some states have become a little too eager and…


Titling Assets with Estate Planning in Mind

Most married people tend to use the traditional way of owning property together, using "joint tenants with right of survivorship," known in estate planning circles as "JTWROS." Just as the name describes, when one of the spouses passes away, the surviving spouse becomes the sole owner of the property. This…


Often Overlooked: How Will Heirs Pay the Estate Tax?

We’ve heard or read the stories of wealthy families forced to sell off prized heirlooms so that hefty estate taxes could be paid.  It is never a happy day when an heir needs to sell the family home, wine collection, fine art or collection of vintage automobiles to raise cash…


Houston Families Note: Blended Families Require Extra Planning Effort

Perhaps if Dr. Nathaniel Shafer knew what was to come, he may have made some changes to his will that might have precluded a nasty dispute between his wife and his children from a previous marriage. Dr. Shafer’s will leaves a $10 million estate entirely to his wife and her…


Robin Williams’ Estate Battle Continues

Divorce lawyers know that some of the most intense fights between a couple can erupt over the most insignificant item —- a matchbook collection or a set of souvenir spoons from family vacations.  The stuff being fought over serves as a proxy because the parties are angry with each other…


Ernie Banks’ Estate Saga Continues

The ongoing skirmish over the small estate of baseball legend Ernie Banks has gone into extra innings.  There was a battle between Banks’ estranged wife and the caretaker who was named as sole heir to the estate.  Most recently, a third party has claimed a portion of the modest estate. …


Will New IRS Regulations Impact Your Houston Estate Planning?

New regulations are coming from the IRS regarding family partnerships and limited liability companies. Perhaps in search of revenue, or trying to overcome a legally-permitted loophole, the IRS will soon make changes to capture some otherwise lost revenue on these entities, which have enjoyed tax discounts on assets that are…


New EU Rules May Impact Estate Planning for Land Owners Outside U.S.

The European Union has put into effect new rules on inheritance laws that allow people to select which country’s laws they want to have applied to their wills. Americans who own property in the EU that they wish to pass on through their estate need to prepare for this change.…


Estate Planning Isn’t a “Cookie Cutter” Approach for All Millionaires

A recent survey from shows that there are differences in how the wealthy perceive the need for estate planning, and not all millionaires behave the same way.  There are differences between families at the $1 million – $5 million level and those with $5 million and more.  However, a…

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