
Articles Posted in Social Security


Obtaining Social Security Benefits for Ex-Spouses in Texas

There is often a lot of confusion about Social Security benefits, particularly obtaining benefits based on a family member’s work history. While it may be complicated, Texans are able to obtain Social Security benefits from their ex-spouses. Every case is different, but there are general requirements a person must meet…


Should Texans Delay Their Social Security Benefits?

Social Security benefits can help older individuals in Texas enjoy their retirement without fear of becoming destitute. However, when people claim their benefits at the wrong time, it may leave them cash-strapped. When someone reaches the full retirement age, they can receive their full monthly social security benefits; however, many…


How the Increase in Social Security Benefits Will Impact Older Texans

Over 70 million Americans receive Social Security and Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, benefits. Therefore, the changes that happen to Social Security – like a cost of living adjustment – are critical for a significant portion of the population. However, many individuals do not know the specifics about social security…


Why Would Social Security Tax Children’s Benefits?

Benefits for Social Security survivor children’s benefits are generally made out to a parent or guardian. They are taxable income, but most children do not have enough income to owe taxes on the benefits. According to a recent article “Are Social Security survivor benefits for children considered taxable income?” from…


How You Can Make the Most of Social Security

Just because you can take Social Security at age 62, doesn’t mean you should. Taking it earlier means that your monthly benefits will be reduced. The longer you can wait, ideally until age 70, the better. Applying for Social Security benefits is a pretty simple process, according to Investopedia’s recent…


How Does the Social Security Disability Benefit Process Work?

Social Security disability benefits are based on average lifetime earnings. How severe the disability is, or what the household income is, has nothing to do with the amount of money that will be paid. If you have your annual Social Security statement, you can see what you’ll probably get in…


Decisions About Taking Pension Pay-Out Still Challenging

There was a time when most people had three sources of income in retirement. One was their savings, the second was Social Security and the third was their pension from work. Today, very few workers enjoy the security of a pension, and retirement income is dependent on each person’s ability…


Another Facet of Social Security to Learn: The Earnings Test

If it seems like every time you start to understand Social Security, there’s something else to learn, you’re right. However, this is an important part of your retirement income, so it’s important to understand. The Social Security earnings test is a way that the agency determines the limit of the…


How Taking Social Security at 62 Makes Sense in Some Tax Brackets

If you’re living on your retirement savings, while waiting to start taking Social Security benefits to full retirement age or even age 70, you might be costing yourself thousands in taxes. It’s annoying. There’s no way around it. You’ve worked your whole life, and paid taxes on those earnings. Now…


When is the Best Time to Start Taking Social Security?

Consider these twin concepts—opportunity cost and delayed retirement credits—before you decide when to start taking Social Security. By waiting until age 70, you’ll increase your monthly benefit, but at what cost? A recent article in Forbes, “Social Security Benefits: Getting Paid To Wait,” examines the dilemma. Money managers call it…

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