In Texas, attorneys are not required by the court for estate planning purposes; however, navigating the process without an attorney can end up costing more time and resources given the many steps that are involved in estate planning. If you are debating whether or not to hire an estate planning…
Houston Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney Blog
Are Family Members Less Expensive than Professional Trustees and Executors?
Deciding who to appoint as a trustee or executor as part of your estate plan can be a tricky business. One obvious option for a trustee is a valued family member, someone that you can count on to act in accordance with your best interest. At McCulloch & Miller, we…
Estate Planning for Blended Families Living in Houston
In today’s blog, we offer estate planning tips and strategies for blended families in Houston, with the goal of ensuring that all members of the family are considered. For many of our clients in non-traditional families, there can be important questions about how to make sure nothing goes awry upon…
Creating a Will in Houston: Your Step-By-Step Guide
Do you want to create your will? Are you not quite sure where to begin? In Texas, writing a will and making sure it aligns with the legal requirements can be a tricky process. There are several procedural hurdles to overcome, and when your loved ones’ well-being is on the…
Should I Put My Children in Charge of Everything as I Age?
As parents grow older, it is natural for families to experience a shift as children begin taking on more of a caretaking role. This shift can be a delicate process, and we have many clients come to us, asking whether it is wise to put their children in charge of…
Why Now Is a Good Time to Start Thinking About Estate Planning
At McCulloch & Miller, we often speak with clients who struggle to find the motivation to begin their estate planning processes. Once we make clear to these clients just how important estate planning can be in Texas, their interest grows in getting started as soon as possible. With so much…
A Closer Look at Inheritance Laws in Texas and How They Might Affect You
As many of our clients can tell you, estate planning in Texas is different than estate planning in any other state. Every state has its own laws and way of doing things, and it is important to understand your state’s policies as you undergo your own estate planning process. As…
The importance of Understanding All Tax Implications When Estate Planning
One of the most frustrating aspects of estate planning can be having to pay out a percentage of assets to the government or to others who have a claim on your estate. In Texas, tax implications depend on the estate strategy that you choose. Today, we review some of the…
What is a “Laughing Heir”?
Finding out you are the beneficiary in a decedent’s will can be a small dose of good news in the midst of experiencing grief and in the process of adjusting to life without your loved one. Sometimes, though, a decedent’s beneficiaries are not negatively affected by the death of the…
Protecting Estate Assets from a Child with Poor Money Management Skills
As you go about your estate planning process, you will necessarily think about who you want to be the beneficiary or beneficiaries of your assets. If you are leaving behind money for your children, you have worked hard to earn that money and keep it safe for future generations in…