
Articles Posted in Retirement Planning


Catching Up in Retirement Savings Later in Life

Nearly half of American households older than 55 have no retirement savings. The U.S. Government Accountability Office says that this number is actually better than in the past. According to the article from CNBC, “These people are on the verge of retiring—and they have nothing saved,” an analysis of the…


Lucky Enough to Work for a Company That Matches 401(k) Contributions?

There is no such thing as a free lunch, except when it comes to employers who match their employee’s 401(k) contributions. This is the closest to free money you’ll ever get. If you’re fortunate enough to work for a company that has a matching plan, congratulations–not everyone does! A matching…


Decisions About Taking Pension Pay-Out Still Challenging

There was a time when most people had three sources of income in retirement. One was their savings, the second was Social Security and the third was their pension from work. Today, very few workers enjoy the security of a pension, and retirement income is dependent on each person’s ability…


How Will I Know When I Can Afford to Retire?

The period before retirement is a time when people dream about what the future might hold. They also worry, because who hasn’t heard the stories about retirees who return to work because they retired too early? It’s no surprise then that little more than half of Americans surveyed by the…


The Biggest Retirement Risks? The Ones You Don’t Know About

You know that health care, taxes and not saving enough for retirement can derail retirement. However, what about the risks you never saw coming? Consider these three risks to retirement says Wealth Advisor in the article, “The Three Risks To Prepare For In Retirement.” They are a little less obvious…


Born in the USA, But Want to Retire in the U.K.?

Many people contemplate retiring in Europe, to enjoy the company of relatives, a lower price of living or to explore countries they’ve always wanted to see. Here's what you should know  if the U.K. is on your retirement radar. Despite a common language and shared history, life in the U.K.…


Countdown to Retirement with Three Simple Questions

To help plan for retirement, it helps to move from asking global questions, like “Can I afford to retire?” to more specific questions, like “What’s my monthly cost of living right now?” Sometimes retirement planning is so overwhelming that people just shrug their shoulders and hope that things work out.…


More Information Equals A Better Outcome in Retirement Planning

Most people who work for a living dream of retirement. However, for many workers, the idea of retirement comes with its own worries. Will there be enough money? Will I be healthy enough to enjoy it? Money and health are the two biggest worries about retirement. There are other unknowns:…


Nothing Saved for Retirement? At Least You’re Not Alone

The big picture presented by the National Institute on Retirement Security is not a good one. Working Americans are completely unprepared for retirement. The National Institute on Retirement Security is a non-profit research and educational organization that focuses on the development of public policies that help retirement security in America.…


How Taking Social Security at 62 Makes Sense in Some Tax Brackets

If you’re living on your retirement savings, while waiting to start taking Social Security benefits to full retirement age or even age 70, you might be costing yourself thousands in taxes. It’s annoying. There’s no way around it. You’ve worked your whole life, and paid taxes on those earnings. Now…

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