Preparing for a Consultation with a Houston Estate Planning Attorney

If you have decided to take the first step and meet with a Houston estate planning attorney, congratulations; you’ve made a great decision that will positively affect your and your families’ long-term futures. Estate planning consultations can be helpful for individuals looking to draft an estate plan, modify an estate plan, or just ask questions about whether they need an estate plan at all. Today, we cover some basics that can help you feel prepared for a consultation with your Houston estate planning attorney. Taking these steps can ensure that your meeting is as efficient and beneficial as possible.

Step 1: Gather Your Documents

Before you attend your consultation, start to gather documents that you might need on your estate planning journey. These could include tax returns, bank account statements, property deeds, divorce decrees or child support orders, and any anything else that speaks to your financial state. It is wise to go ahead and bring these documents to your initial consultation in case your attorney has questions about how and where you keep your assets.

Step 2: Talk to Your Loved Ones

Your estate plan should ideally not be a surprise to your closest family members. If you plan to involve others in the execution of your state plan, as an estate executor or trustee, perhaps, it is better to ask these individuals on the front end if they are willing to serve in this capacity. Communicating early and often about your estate plan is always a good idea.

Step 3: Come Up with a List of Questions

Lastly, we recommend you write down a list of questions for your Houston estate planning attorney. Start to think about your overall goals and brainstorm some questions about how your estate plan can help you achieve these goals. For example: do you want to pass on as much wealth as possible to the next generation? Avoid estate taxes? Maintain a sense of privacy? Set your kids up for future success? An experienced estate planning attorney will have strategies in mind that can help you do all of these things, tailoring your plan to your individualized circumstances. By thinking through some of these things ahead of time, you can make it easier for your attorney to understand exactly what you need.

Have You Found Your Houston Estate Planning Attorney?

At McCulloch & Miller, we have over 35 years of experience providing legal services to Texans as they make their estate plans. Our representation is holistic and personalized, meaning we take the entirety of our clients’ circumstances into account, and we create estate plans that work for them. Our team believes that every client deserves the best attorney they can get, and we are committed to providing estate and probate advice that you and your family can trust.

If you are looking for a Houston estate planning attorney for yourself or a loved one, give us a call today at 713-955-7281. If you prefer, you can also fill out our online form to have an attorney reach back out to you as soon as possible regarding your estate plan.

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