
Articles Posted in Inheritance Planning


Longer Lifespan Can Affect One’s Inheritance

Adult children have historically expected to inherit from their parents while in their 40s or 50s, yet now many aren’t doing so until their 70s or even 80s, as their parents live into their 90s or beyond. When should you expect to receive your inheritance? According to the Social Security…


Trusts Remain Good Ideas for Houston Families

Irrevocable trusts, which are virtually unchangeable once established, have decreased in use, but revocable trusts, over which the grantor retains control, still flourish. A recent article, titled “Trusts remain useful tool in estate planning,” addressed some confusion over the use of trusts in light of recent changes in the…


Providing for Houston Heirs, Regardless of Wealth

“Regardless of how much wealth you have,” says Gregory Popera, a private wealth adviser with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, “having some type of estate plan and financial power of attorney are sort of the financial building blocks to make sure your assets go where you want them to go.” Making…


Consider These Inheritance Planning Questions for Houston Estates

Making decisions about the disposition of your assets can be an emotionally fraught and time-consuming process. Take small steps and seek expert guidance to realize your plans for the financial care of your families. Who gets what when it comes to your estate? The process of distributing your assets is…


Houston Parents Can Structure an Inheritance For Their Children

Leaving even a small inheritance to your children requires planning. Regardless the size of your estate, structuring an inheritance properly can avoid problems and help your beneficiaries use your hard-earned assets more wisely. Last year, AARP included an article in its materials titled, "How to Leave an Inheritance to Your…


Breaking Taboos – It’s Time to Talk About Your Houston Estate Plan

If there is a boogeyman when it comes to family conversations about inheritance, it is not death. It’s the $40 trillion that financial advisers say their baby boomer clients are going to pass to their children either in an orderly way — or in a chaotic mess. A report by…


Don’t Let an Inheritance Come Between Your Houston Family

Everyone knows someone who hardly speaks to his brother or sister or aunt simply because of a misunderstanding over an inheritance. Inheritance planning can be a direct mode of expression, whether of appreciation for a person or an extolling of virtues. But can these expressions be taken the wrong way…


Inherited Stock and Taxes – What You Need to Know

If you sell stock you inherited, the tax bill is keyed to its value at the time of the original owner’s death. If you’ve just inherited stock or if you’re set to leave behind stock to your heirs, then it is well worth your time to get an idea of…


Houston Residents: Will Your Wealth Continue On?

To make that wealth last forever, you're probably going to need future generations to replenish that wealth. If you have wealth to pass on to the next generation, have you hoped that your wealth will continue on for generations to come? It's a tough goal to have, considering you'll be…


Houston Parents: Give The Inheritance Now Or Later?

Ultimately, the decision about whether to leave your children money now or later depends entirely on your financial and family circumstances. Deciding whether or not to leave an inheritance is only part of the equation. When should you give it – now or later? Forbes recently tackled this difficult issue…

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