
Articles Posted in Houston Asset Protection


IRS Audit Red Flags Sometimes Triggered in Retirement Years

Certain transactions and situations that tend to occur more in retirement than during working years are red flags for the IRS. Even though only 0.84% of all individual tax returns are audited, knowing about these tips from Kiplinger's "9 IRS Audit Red Flags for Retirees" will help minimize your chance…


Checklist Serves as End-of-Life Care

For a generation that is proud of their ability to ignore all kinds of taboos, millennials are no different than any other generation when it comes to discussing end-of-life care and estate planning with their parents. It's up to you, Baby Boomers, to initiate the conversation with your millennial children…


New Life Event? Review Your Houston Estate Plan

From the following Forbes article, "8 Reasons to Revise Your Estate Plan Today," we learn that 51% of Americans age 55 – 64 don't have a Will. That's bad news for their families, who will have to deal with the estate plan default: whatever the rules are for their state. But…


Bishop’s Large Estate: Church vs. Family Members

Family members are fighting to lift a shroud of secrecy following the death of a successful bishop who built a real estate empire and a megachurch. As reported in The Detroit News in "Family battles over megachurch founder's estate," the estate of a Pentecostal bishop from Detroit could be valued…


California Legislators Provide Shortcut Law to Help Senior Homeowners

Written by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Glendale), a new law, AB 139, is unlike most of the over-reaching and bombastic legislation that originates in the State Capital. As reported in The San Diego Times-Union, "State ushers in refreshingly modest law," this new law makes one aspect of estate planning easier for…


Houston Business Owners. What’s Your Plan?

If you think of your business as a legacy that you wish to pass on to a family member, a partner or a valued employee, start planning now to create a business succession plan. Don't limit your thinking to a family member taking over for you. There are many different…


Houston Boomers. Redefining Inheritance?

The same generation that redefined American culture is making changes to the concept of inheritance as well. A recent article in Forbes, "How Boomer Parents Feel About Leaving Inheritances," looked at two studies concerning inheritances to find that Baby Boomers are of two minds when it comes to leaving inheritances…


Divorced? Who’s Your Beneficiary Designation?

Updating beneficiary designations is usually the simplest part of estate planning, but it's also the most likely part of estate planning to be overlooked. You have beneficiaries on pretty much every account, from 401(k)s to life insurance policies. Do you know who your beneficiaries are? USA Today says that it's…


What’s the Point of Dying Rich? Help Your Houston Family Enjoy Wealth

Make no mistake. Estate planning is, and should be, a serious business, along with financial planning and wealth management, notes The Wilmington Business Journal. These are all on-going activities and part of a well-managed, successful life, at any age or stage. In its article "Do You Really Want To Leave…


You Won the Lottery! What’s Your Plan?

So, you didn’t win the big lottery? The country’s first billion dollar jackpot got a lot of folks dreaming about a lavish lifestyle and living the good life. Reality hit and your Houston lifestyle includes that Monday morning commute. Reality doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a plan. US New…

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