
Articles Posted in Houston Power of Attorney


Every Houston Family Needs Estate Planning, Especially When It’s Complicated

A will is the best known estate planning document; it provides instructions about how to distribute your assets after death. There are many different kinds of trusts, and whether you need one or more than one is best determined with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. There is…


Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget Your Houston Estate Plan

Throw open your windows, put the screens back in and get ready for more outdoor time, whether that means gardening or walks in the park. While you are at it, refresh your estate plan. If it has been three years or more since you last had it reviewed, it is…


Estate Planning is the Perfect Gift for Your Houston Family

In the absence of proper estate planning, medical care decisions can be delayed and families may face expensive and unnecessary costs. Think of your estate planning as a gift you can provide for your loved ones that will let them know you were thinking of them after you have passed.…


Oregon Signs New Law Protecting Digital Assets

Portland is widely recognized as one of the most innovative cities in the US, and a new law reflects Oregon's tech culture. With the signature of Governor Kate Brown, Oregon has enacted Senate Bill 1554, which grants legal access to digital assets to a person named in an estate plan…


New Jersey Women Target Elderly for Financial Scams

This is a story that any professional working with seniors finds particularly abhorrent. An investigation by the New Jersey State Police and the Division of Criminal Justice uncovered a scheme by a New Jersey woman, her sister and several others—including an attorney—to steal millions from elderly clients they were supposed…


First Quarter: Time to Review Houston Estate Plan

Over the course of time, things change that have an impact on your estate plan. Your children may have married or welcomed a new baby into the family. Perhaps you moved, or maybe you were widowed. Life is filled with changes, at every stage, and your estate plan needs to…


Checklist Serves as End-of-Life Care

For a generation that is proud of their ability to ignore all kinds of taboos, millennials are no different than any other generation when it comes to discussing end-of-life care and estate planning with their parents. It's up to you, Baby Boomers, to initiate the conversation with your millennial children…


Tips to Starting That Conversation with Your Houston Family

We’re taught from an early age that it’s rude to talk about money and no one likes to talk about their own death. Our children hate the conversation , and it's uncomfortable for everyone. But Baby Boomers who have not had conversations with their heirs about estate plans need to…


Houston Parents Need to Protect Children with Estate Planning

An unmarried father-to-be asked what he needs to do to protect the mother of his child in the column "Having a baby, but not married? Some financial advice," from New Jersey 101.5. His concern is well founded because if something unfortunate happened to him, she would not be first in…


It’s Shredding Season in Houston!

Keeping your financial house in order is not that complicated, according to the national newspaper USA Today in "Drowning in bank statements, etc.? Here's what you can toss." There are three overarching tasks: pay bills on time, file taxes and save more. Getting organized is the best way to start,…

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