
Articles Posted in Houston Probate Court


Checklist Serves as End-of-Life Care

For a generation that is proud of their ability to ignore all kinds of taboos, millennials are no different than any other generation when it comes to discussing end-of-life care and estate planning with their parents. It's up to you, Baby Boomers, to initiate the conversation with your millennial children…


New Life Event? Review Your Houston Estate Plan

From the following Forbes article, "8 Reasons to Revise Your Estate Plan Today," we learn that 51% of Americans age 55 – 64 don't have a Will. That's bad news for their families, who will have to deal with the estate plan default: whatever the rules are for their state. But…


Executor Fees Can be Complicated if Will Does Not Specify Details

A jumbo sized battle in a high profile and seemingly never-ending estate matter highlights what may appear to be a minor detail in estate planning but what is in fact an important consideration: the executor fee. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, "Battle Involving Leona Helmsley Estate Spotlights…


Bishop’s Large Estate: Church vs. Family Members

Family members are fighting to lift a shroud of secrecy following the death of a successful bishop who built a real estate empire and a megachurch. As reported in The Detroit News in "Family battles over megachurch founder's estate," the estate of a Pentecostal bishop from Detroit could be valued…


Divorced? Who’s Your Beneficiary Designation?

Updating beneficiary designations is usually the simplest part of estate planning, but it's also the most likely part of estate planning to be overlooked. You have beneficiaries on pretty much every account, from 401(k)s to life insurance policies. Do you know who your beneficiaries are? USA Today says that it's…


We Lost Mom’s Will! What are Options?

What steps can you take when a parent passes away without sharing the location of a will or telling you who the attorney was who drafted and executed the will? What if you can't find any copies in what seem like reasonable hiding places in Houston? The article, "What steps…


Houston Parents Need to Protect Children with Estate Planning

An unmarried father-to-be asked what he needs to do to protect the mother of his child in the column "Having a baby, but not married? Some financial advice," from New Jersey 101.5. His concern is well founded because if something unfortunate happened to him, she would not be first in…


Houston Heirs Will Thank You for Proper Estate Planning

Financial planners who help families build and manage assets are often asked what documents are needed in an estate plan. The following documents create a foundation of an estate plan: an up-to-date will, a durable power of attorney for health care (sometimes called a health care proxy), and an advance…


Everyone Needs to Make Time for Estate Planning

The only way to make sure that your wishes are carried out after your death is to have the proper estate planning documents prepared in advance, according to a post from, "Money Matters: Common estate planning mistakes." Some people make the mistake of thinking that estate planning will be…


Scheduled Court Appearances Vital to Legal Cases

An entire $3 million estate of a Texas doctor was awarded to his ex-wife in a recent court ruling. Mrs. Denise Reichert took the oath of independent executrix of the will and estate of Dr. Oscar Reichert. The judge who presided over the hearing dismissed the contest of will filed…

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