Tips for Choosing a Houston Estate Planning Attorney

Whether you are in the beginning, middle, or end phase of your estate planning process, it is never too late to consult an estate planning attorney that can help you make sure your documents are in line with Texas’s requirements. While it can be difficult to sort through the various estate planning firms in Houston, there are some key requirements you should look for when making your decision.

Experience and Reputation

You should first and foremost choose a Houston estate planning attorney that has experience in the field and a clear reputation for excellence. Look at a firm’s reviews, find out how long the attorneys at the firm have been practicing, and ask around to see if anyone you know has retained the firm for one of their own matters. By finding an attorney that is both experienced and well regarded, you can set yourself up for success in your own estate planning journey.

Client-Centered Strategy

You should also look for a Houston estate planning attorney that employs a client-centered strategy. In an initial consultation, take note of the attorney’s demeanor. Does he or she listen to your questions and concerns? Is the attorney trying to implement a cookie cutter approach, despite your unique goals? Or does the attorney take what you’re saying to create a strategy that will work specifically for you?

Costs and Fees

Lastly, it’s no secret that hiring an attorney costs money. You should look for transparency during your initial consultation. Does the attorney clearly tell you how much the process will cost, from beginning to end? Does the firm used a fixed fee structure, or do the fees depend on the value of your estate? By listening to how the attorney talks about his or her rate, you can get a sense of whether you will be comfortable retaining the firm.

Choose a Houston Estate Planning Attorney That is Right for You

There might be other considerations for your estate planning process that are unique to you. For example, is hiring an attorney experienced in elder law important to you? Do you need an attorney who can get things done within a certain timeframe? If you have specialized circumstances, make sure to articulate these circumstances on your first consultation call, so both you and the attorney can see if you would be a good fit for each other.

Overall, choosing a Houston estate planning attorney can be tough, but at McCulloch & Miller, we make estate planning easy. Our firm brings decades of experience and a hard-earned reputation to our representation, and we are eager to leverage our skills and strategies to help you create an estate plan that works for you. We promise to work hard to make sure you get the results you and your loved ones need.

If you would like to set up a consultation with one of our Houston estate planning attorneys at McCulloch & Miller, call us today at 713-936-9073. You can also fill out our online form to tell us about yourself and have a member of our team contact you as soon as possible.


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