Life insurance can help heirs avoid having to incur expenses like estate taxes, funeral costs and similar expenses. However, it also gives heirs breathing room, so they can make the best use of other assets. Here is an example of how life insurance should work. A father, Howie, dies and…
Articles Posted in Life Insurance
How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
Everyone’s needs are different. For most people, one large policy is enough. However, what if your life is not like everyone else’s? How do you know how much coverage you need? Most people never really think about adding more life insurance, once they buy a policy. They figure they have…
Why Your Estate Plan Should Include Life Insurance
We insure our homes, our cars and even our ability to work. We also buy life insurance, which could be the most important insurance policy you own and not just for when you have passed away. People typically think of life insurance as a means of paying final expenses, such…
How Long Does It Take to Get a Payment from a Life Insurance Policy?
Most life insurance companies are quite efficient. However, you will need the right documents. One of the basic tasks that follow the loss of a spouse or family member is figuring out what life insurance policies were in place and contacting the insurance company or companies to find out how…
Estate Planning 101: Check Your Beneficiary Designations
Unless you really want to give your ex the proceeds of your life insurance or 401(k), it is best to take the time to do this one task. If you haven’t looked at the paperwork for your life insurance policies, bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts and any other asset…
Collecting Death Benefits from Life Insurance Policies
If you are the beneficiary of someone’s life insurance policy, you should know that there are options as to how the policy funds, known as death benefits, can be distributed. In most situations, the beneficiary of a life insurance policy does not have to pay income taxes on death benefits,…
How Insurance Can Be Used to Leave an Inheritance
Planning to leave an inheritance for your children requires a careful examination of all of your assets, and insurance could be part of that plan. Most couples use term insurance to help protect their loved ones pay the bills after they pass. A question answered in the NJ 101.5 article “Do…
Survivorship Life Insurance Can Serve As an Estate Planning Tool
Survivorship Life Insurance is a very useful part of an estate plan, but it is not as widely discussed as many other forms of life insurance. A skilled insurance professional and your Houston estate planning attorney should work together for the best outcome. In "Survivorship Life Insurance Useful for Estate…
Life Changes in Houston? Check Your Life Insurance
In "3 ways to choose the right life insurance plan," the New York Daily News invites readers to consider how their lives have changed over the decades, and how their insurance should change too. Young adults have some pretty straightforward insurance needs like obtaining insurance for their first car, insuring…
Houston: Why Do You Need Life Insurance?
It's no surprise that many Americans have chosen not to have any life insurance at all, according to NASDAQ's recent article, "Why Have Life Insurance?" A recent study by a life insurance advocacy group, LIMRA, revealed that most Americans think that life insurance is expensive. They were asked to name…