Articles Posted in Elder Care

Elder handsHere are six suggestions to help prepare for some of the most common stressful situations that can occur during elder care.

The role of an elder caregiver is not an easy one, and many Houston seniors find themselves taking on this role without any preparation.

A recent Forbes article, 6 Things Caregivers Must Do While There's Still Time,” explains that many family caregivers are part of what’s called “the sandwich generation.” They’ve just stopped caring for their own kids and now have to start to care for parents or older relatives.

MP900423013Much is undoubtedly delivered with great love and compassion. But, sadly, it is also provided by family members who have no caregiving skills.

Deciding on medical care later in life or setting it up for a loved one is a difficult process that should be thoroughly evaluated. While there are many options available, essentially the decision comes down to care at home or in a facility. Is the quality of care comparable, especially when it comes to in-home care?

The answer seems to range from “we don’t know” to an unhelpful “it depends.” With so many people receiving care at home, either by default or by design, it is an important option to understand. A recent article in Forbes, titled “We All Want To Live At Home In Old Age, But Know Nothing About the Quality of Care We'll Get There,” to a look under the hood on this subject.

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