Articles Posted in Trusts

Many people assume that when it comes to funding a trust, money from a bank account is the only possible source of assets. Today’s blog post serves to dispel that misconception, because there are many different options available to individuals looking to fund their trusts. There are also important procedural steps to keep in mind if you are thinking of starting your own trust, and we will review some of those steps today. As always, with specific questions about how this blog post applies to you, contact an experienced Houston estate planning attorney for tailored legal advice.

Assets Used to Fund a Trust

Before funding your trust, it is important to write a list of all of the assets you might put into the trust. These assets can include: bank accounts, real estate, investment accounts, retirement accounts, stocks, brokerage accounts, and even personal belongings. Your accounting of your assets should be as detailed as possible so that you have a comprehensive understanding of what you could use to fund your trust.

Legal Services

Also before funding the trust, you will also need to create a trust document with the help of an attorney. The trust document should name your trustor, your trust’s purpose, the trust’s beneficiaries, and the instructions for carrying out the intended purpose. This document should be as detailed as possible and should conform with Texas laws.

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If you are looking for ways to ensure that your loved ones are well-protected in the event of your death, consider the advantages of a life insurance trust. A life insurance trust is a form of legal agreement that puts the grantor’s life insurance into a trust. The designated trustee gains control of the insurance policy, and when the grantor dies, the trustee is responsible for distributing the money from the policy to the grantor’s designated beneficiaries.

Why Use a Life Insurance Trust?

There are several key advantages to the life insurance trust. First, by putting your life insurance into a trust, you allow the funds from the policy to bypass probate completely. This gets money into your beneficiaries’ hands more quickly, more efficiently, and more privately.

The life insurance trust also guarantees some form of liquidity when you die. The cash from the policy can go toward settling the estate, paying off debts, covering the cost of a funeral, or paying estate taxes. The money could also provide your beneficiaries with immediate cash for payments that you might have been making before your death, so that they can have time to figure out a long-term solution in your absence.

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Many of our clients are interested in leaving money to their children when they pass. For some clients, though, there is a question about what to do when their child is not financially savvy. Do they leave unrestricted assets for the child anyway? Are there tools they can use to restrict the funds? Today, we review the basics of what you can do to set your child up for financial success even if he or she is not financially savvy. As always, for specific advice tailored to your circumstances, contact a Houston estate planning attorney you can trust.

Establishing a Trust

For some children, it works well to give unrestricted access to assets in a will or estate plan. If you do not want to go that route, however, many clients choose to leave their assets in a trust. Establishing a trust offers a level of protection for the assets you are leaving behind.

You could, as part of this process, designate a trusted individual as the trustee, and you could establish protocols for how often (and for what purpose) your child could access money from the trust. The trust could be established for educational purposes, a wedding fund, yearly travel, or housing costs. You could also implement distribution triggers as part of the trust, which would allow your child to access funds once he or she reaches certain life stages (for example, celebrating a specific birthday or finishing school).

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The estate planning process in Texas offers a variety of tools for those looking to avoid probate. One such tool that we encounter often in our practice is the revocable living trust. On today’s blog, we cover the basics of the revocable living trust as well as a couple of signs that might indicate a revocable living trust might be right for you.

The Revocable Living Trust

A revocable living trust is a trust that you make 1) during your lifetime and is 2) revocable (meaning you can revoke, amend, or change it at any point during your lifetime). This trust is a vehicle you use to hold title to other assets. For example, your house or your brokerage account might be contained in a revocable living trust. This trust helps you control what happens to your assets when you pass, and it helps your loved ones avoid probate when administering your estate plan down the line.

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There is no “one size fits all” approach to estate planning. Each person brings his or her own set of circumstances, goals, and opportunities to the table. One of the first questions we discuss with our potential clients during a first meeting is whether they would like to move forward with a will or a trust. There are basic differences between the two tools, and these differences can help clients decide which tool (if either) is right for them and their families.

How Much Do You Value Privacy?

If it is important to you for your assets, debts, and estate plan to be kept private, a trust might be better for you. A will passes through probate court, meaning a judge will have to validate the will before approving the distribution of the assets. These proceedings become part of the public record. A trust, on the other hand, allows you to forego probate altogether, which shields your estate plan from public view.

How Complex is Your Estate?

In general, a more complex estate lends itself better to a trust than to a will. While there are certainly exceptions to this rule, if you have assets such as an interest in a business, multiple real estate properties, or significant investments, you may want to consider a trust over a will. It is sometimes easier to tailor a trust to a client’s specific estate, and if you have a complex estate, the trust might allow you to more easily meet your personalized goals.

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Many times, prospective clients come to us for an initial consultation asking for help writing a will. While the will can be a valuable tool in estate planning, there are times when writing a will may not be enough. Today, we cover some reasons that your estate plan might need more than a will. As always, to talk more about the specifics of your estate and the planning process ahead, contacted a trusted Houston estate planning attorney that can walk you through your next steps.

Reason 1: Avoiding Probate

The first and most obvious reason to explore an estate planning tool outside of the will is that you want your loved ones to avoid probate after you are gone. A will is generally subject to probate, meaning a probate court reviews the will and decides if it is valid. Only after deciding the will is valid does the court approve the will so that beneficiaries can receive their assets. Probate takes time and resources that many people don’t have or don’t want to expend.

By using a trust instead of a will, you can oftentimes avoid probate altogether. The trust allows property and assets to go straight to beneficiaries instead of through the intermediary of the probate court. This allows for more efficiency, both in terms of cost and time.

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As many of our clients know, the trust can be a valuable estate planning tool for those who choose to use it. If you are wondering whether adding a trust to your estate plan might be the right next step for you, consider the following reasons that many individuals choose to utilize the trust in their estate planning processes.

You Want to Avoid Probate

The most common reason to add a trust to an estate plan is to avoid having to go through the probate process. When a person dies with a will, the will’s executor must present the will to the probate court. The court reviews the will, decides it is valid, then approves the distribution of the decedent’s assets. This process takes time and resources, and it can be frustrating for families to have to wait for the court proceedings to play out over a series of months.

A trust, on the other hand, is exempt from probate. By putting your assets in a trust, these assets can go directly to your intended beneficiaries instead of passing through probate court. Avoiding probate has the added benefit of ensuring privacy for the decedent and their family, since no documents become part of the public record when they are part of a trust.

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As our client community knows, there are many tools available for individuals undergoing the estate planning process. Two of these tools are the will and the trust, and there are important differences between the two. To find out whether a will or a trust is better for your individualized estate plan, we always recommend that you contact an experienced Houston estate planning attorney that can apply the law to your goals and circumstances.

What is a Will?

In short, a will is a legal document that dictates how your property will be distributed upon your death. The will typically lists assets the beneficiaries, and it provides instructions for how exactly to dole out these assets. The probate court is typically involved in making sure the will is valid and in giving a stamp of approval to distribute the will’s assets.

What is a Trust?

A trust, on the other hand, is not a legal document but a legal contract. The trust puts assets into an account, and that account is managed by another person. A trust also has beneficiaries, just like a will. The trust, though, directs the manager (the “trustee”) to distribute the assets in a way that aligns with the trust’s goals.

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One common misconception in estate planning is that everyone’s estate documents revolve around a will. While many of our clients do decide to use a will, many others use the trust instead of or in addition to their will. The trust has purposes that go beyond estate planning, though, and today, we go over some of the basics on Texas trusts to give you a framework for understanding just how useful this tool can be.

What is a Trust?

A trust is a financial arrangement. When the grantor, the creator of the trust, forms the trust, he or she appoints a trustee. This trustee has control of whatever money that the grantor puts into the trust. The trustee doesn’t necessarily use the money for his or her benefit, though. The trust money benefits one or more beneficiaries, named specifically by the grantor. The trustee’s job is to administer the trust and manage the assets so that the beneficiaries can profit from the trust property.

Types of Trusts

There are several kinds of trusts, and each one helps achieve a different goal. In estate planning, we often talk about the testamentary trust. This kind of trust goes into effect when you die, and you maintain the right to change it any point during your lifetime. Once you pass, the trust becomes irrevocable, or unchangeable.

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Many clients, especially after they have had an especially profitable year, ask our team about how to best structure their charitable giving. Giving money away is a noble goal, and part of our job as estate planning attorneys is to help you figure out how to have the greatest impact while still making sure your financial foundation is solid. One tool we often suggest for our clients’ charitable giving is called the charitable remainder trust. Today’s blog goes into some details about this kind of trust, so that you might be able to discern whether it could be right for you.

A charitable remainder trust is a tool that allows you to both contribute to a worthy cause and be eligible for important tax benefits. Once you deposit money into the charitable remainder trust, you automatically offset or minimize your current tax liabilities. As time goes on, you stay in some control of the money deposited in the trust, and you become eligible to receive a potential income stream from the trust itself. Then, when you pass, the remainder of the trust is given to the charity or charities of your choosing.

Because you get the trust’s tax deduction today, but you still have access to the income from the trust over your lifetime, the charitable remainder trust can truly be the best of both worlds. Importantly, a contribution to a charitable remainder trust constitutes an irrevocable transfer of cash, so it is essential to choose your contribution wisely.

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