Articles Tagged with Lookback

MP900442211My mother gave me money in 2009.  Now (2014) she is in a nursing home and needs to get Medicaid.  Does that money need to go back in her account because of Medicaid's five-year lookback?

Medicaid is wound tight with very well-intentioned rules to stop people from taking advantage of or “beating the system.” These rules are meant to prevent fraud. Unfortunately, the rules intended to stop outright fraud can sometimes get in the way of those who do play by the rules.

The most common problem families run into is the so-called “lookback” period. You can easily run afoul of the 20/20 hindsight of Medicaid and thereby threaten the care your elderly loved one needs. This common conundrum of the lookback period was recently updated in a Q&A and supporting guide produced by ElderLawAnswers. In fact, the common question that sparked the post is the same as the title: “Should I Return Money My Mom Gave Me So She Isn't Penalized by Medicaid?

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