Many grandparents want to help their grandchildren pay for college, but don't know the best ways to do that. Financial advisers who can show them how to make those contributions and reap financial advantages for themselves can shine. Many families struggle enough to meet their current needs that they just…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Houston College Graduates Need Estate Plans Too
After graduating from college, and even law school, the thought of drafting your estate plan probably did not make the top twenty on your "to-do" list, and why should it? The only thing most young professionals have when they first start out is debt. However, after you land your first…
Keeping Your Houston Estate Plan Up-To-Date
"Many have not taken adequate steps to review and update these plans since the moment they were signed. Meanwhile, major life events such as marriage, the birth of a child or the launch of a business may have occurred." Estate plans are not a one-shot deal. They are like a…
The Digital Afterlife for Houston Estate Planning
Planning for control of your personal information after you die used to be as simple as telling someone about the desk drawer or the fireproof box or the safe deposit box at the local bank. But in the era of smartphones and cloud computing services, that same stuff may be…
Disinheritance is a Sticky Situation
Lawyers for Mr. Cohen say that he was entrusted with his father’s business, and that the two men enjoyed a close and caring relationship. But lawyers for Ms. Perelman claimed that it was that closeness that allowed Mr. Cohen, who eventually took over operations of Hudson Media, to manipulate the…
Financial Tips from a State Treasurer
From checking Unclaimed Property to setting up automatic bill payments, here are some simple tips each of us can use to keep our finances organized this year. Although you may not live in Missouri and it may not be "spring cleaning" season, Missouri State Treasurer Clint Zweifel offered sound financial…
Estate Tax Liabilities and Life Insurance for Houston Families
“While there are a number of ways to address estate tax liabilities and retirement savings distinctly, developments in the life insurance arena are providing new and potentially better options. These strategies are highly versatile to meet the evolving needs of the individual many years into the future.” As those in…
Preserving Genetic Material for Offspring – How Does this Affect Your Houston Estate Plan?
As growing numbers of people use reproductive technology to have children later in life or overcome infertility issues, many affluent Americans are leaving behind “genetic material” that could conceivably add a new heir to the family. Estate planning is all about tying together the loose ends of your life. Easier…
Wealth Distribution Options for the Single or Childless
"We say to people: 'If you do nothing, your money will go to the state. Is that what you want?' That's enough to make them want to consider something else," says Andrew Russell, a certified financial planner in San Diego. If you have no spouse or children, you may feel…
Should Houston Women Look At Estate Planning In A Different Light?
It’s not that there are different estate-planning tools for each sex. But women are likelier to live longer, they’re likelier to be custodial parents and, speaking generally, women often approach the topic differently than men. Do you think estate planning for women is different than it is for men? Gender…