Articles Posted in Houston Estate Planning


Planning Tips for Houston’s Single Parents

Frankly, there is less room for error when a single parent is managing all of the responsibilities of raising a family. Five key planning guidelines are the focus of the Parent Herald's article "5 Financial Planning Tips For Single Parents For Your Family's Protection." Here are the top five most…


Houston Estate Planning? Consider Special Needs Child

Learning that your family will include a special needs child dramatically changes the narrative for families and most don't know what to expect, from providing care to financial planning. The New York Daily News explores the financial planning that needs to take place in "How to prepare a financial plan…


Oregon Signs New Law Protecting Digital Assets

Portland is widely recognized as one of the most innovative cities in the US, and a new law reflects Oregon's tech culture. With the signature of Governor Kate Brown, Oregon has enacted Senate Bill 1554, which grants legal access to digital assets to a person named in an estate plan…


Wealthy Family Goes Public With Estate Battle

Facebook has become the source of revolutions, personal journeys, and now, estate battles. When one of America's most admired art collectors passed away last year, she had an estate plan in place. Her husband of 14 years apparently didn't like the terms and is challenging the will. Her adult children…


Beneficiary Designations: Do You Know Who’s Who in Houston?

If you don't remember who your beneficiaries are for your investment accounts, insurance policies or annuity contracts, then you need to carve out some time to go through your accounts and see who you named as your beneficiary. If it's been a while, you may be in for a rude…


Is Roth IRA Conversion a Good Fit For Your Houston Estate Plan?

Not everyone who has a traditional IRA is a good candidate for a Roth IRA conversion, according to The Motley Fool's article, "5 Things to Consider Before Making a Roth IRA Conversion." While every person's situation is different, there are five key elements to consider before making the change to…


Author Harper Lee Protect Privacy Throughout Life

When the author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" was found to have written another novel, "Go Set a Watchman," there was much mystery about the second book, which generated a fortune. Now the mystery surrounds the estate of Nelle Harper Lee.While the value of her estate isn't exactly known, an…


Ivy League Law Students Fight for Veterans Rights

A lieutenant colonel serving in the U.S. Army Reserves was in Afghanistan on his third tour of duty, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and enduring a bad foot injury in 2011 when a letter arrived at his home, as described in Harvard Magazine's "Fighting for Veterans, Learning the Law."…


Checklist Serves as End-of-Life Care

For a generation that is proud of their ability to ignore all kinds of taboos, millennials are no different than any other generation when it comes to discussing end-of-life care and estate planning with their parents. It's up to you, Baby Boomers, to initiate the conversation with your millennial children…


Plan Now for the Future: Retirement, Estate and Vacation

The same people who put off estate planning have no problem finding the time to plan their vacations. And far too many people think the only plan they need for retirement concerns being able to pay bills. Retirement planning is for that time when you change direction and stop the…

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