A buy-sell agreement is a legal provision of an estate plan that details how the estate owner’s business will transition to different ownership when he or she dies. Buy-sell agreements are critical for business owners’ estate plans, as they help ensure that a business can continue to thrive even if the unexpected occurs. On today’s blog, we review some of the basics of the buy-sell agreement, as well as why they are so important for estate planners to consider.
What are the Elements of a Buy-Sell Agreement?
Each buy-sell agreement can look different, and the particular elements will depend in large part on the business owner’s goals. It is common, however, for a buy-sell agreement to include a list of triggering events that put the buy-sell agreement into effect. While the owner’s death will certainly qualify as a triggering event, it’s likely that the owner’s incapacitation and/or voluntary departure will also be triggering events.
The agreement will also include information about how to value the business, the specific buy-out procedures, and restrictions on who is legally able to purchase the owner’s shares of the company. These provisions should be as thorough and detailed as possible.