Articles Tagged with Life Estate

7.19.17If you plan on leaving the family home to your heirs when you die, be aware of the tax liabilities that are associated with inheriting a house.

This is the type of estate planning decision that requires a closer look with an estate planning attorney to evaluate the pros and cons, as well as the short and long-term consequences. First, you’ll need to know the value of the house, which will be based on its fair market value on the date of the owner’s death, according to a recent article from, “Complex inheritance taxes on a home.”

If you have a home valued at over $1 million, it may sell for close to that amount. Let’s say that you’re single and are 80 years old. You live with your widowed sister. Your will instructs that your sister should have life ownership when you pass and then it is left in trust for nieces and nephews. What would their tax bill be?

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