
Articles Posted in Estate Planning


Does Your Houston Estate’s Library Hold Great Value?

Managing an estate can be complicated and overwhelming, but libraries can often be sources of hidden value, and thus should not be ignored. There's always a chance that tucked away in that library are a few rare first editions or hard-to-find antique items. But if you're facing hundreds of volumes…


Planning for Death Is Unpleasant; Critical for Houston Families

Once someone dies there is much work to be done. These are a few suggestions to help you get administratively organized for death. To make death easier for all involved, it’s critical to plan some of the issues related to death far in advance with some contemplation to make everything…


Houston Families: Estate Planning Document List Review

A well-planned estate is a wonderful legacy you can leave your heirs — instead of untangling a messy estate, they can follow concrete steps, allowing them to take care of business while mourning their loved one. Document gathering can be overwhelming when it come to a loved one's passing. What…


Houston Residents: What Can Happen If You Don’t Sign Your Will!

  The legal dispute surrounding the roughly $200 million estate of the late Charlotte developer Henry Faison has been resolved, with his company winning forgiveness of more than $100 million in loans he’d extended to it. In this recent court case filed by Faison's sons, Jay and Lane, they asked…


Schemers Steal Property of Deceased Neighbor with No Heirs

Six Philadelphia men forged, cheated and lied their way into collecting a dead woman's house and car, police said. If no heirs exist and no estate plan determines where your estate should go, it must be up for grabs. Right? Well, no. But unfortunately for one woman's estate, this scenario…


Pass the Pie: Use Holiday Time to Discuss Estate Planning

Thanksgiving weekend is a time to reflect, visit family, and of course, eat your fair share of pie. And while we may be thankful for the people and the wealth in our lives, not enough of us have planned to protect all that we have. Pass the pie please! And…


Are Online Estate Planning Forms Worth the Risk for Houston Families?

The online forms you come across may or may not work. These forms tend to not be state specific which means your will may or may not be valid. If you are going to take the time to draft a will or any other estate planning document (which you should),…


Five Estate Planning Tools for Houston Families

If you want to stay in control of your money and medical decisions until the end, here are the five most important estate-planning documents you need to have. If you aren't sure which estate planning tools you really need, at least start with the basics. A recentCNBC article, titled "Stay…


Sibling Tug-of-War: Estate Planning Nightmare

Dealing with an ill parent or their estate once they pass can be difficult, and having support through your siblings is important. However, sibling feuds can get in the way and cause conflicts during this time. Having your parents’ estate planning documents in order not only ensures their health care, finance and…


Is Estate Planning Only for Wealthy Houstonians?

So who needs estate planning? The answer is just about everyone. Although it is true that the planning that is required for a person with very limited wealth versus that of a person with great wealth, should not be as complex or costly, some degree of planning is required nevertheless.…

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