Articles Posted in Tax Planning


How to Make Texas Your Permanent “Domicile” for Estate Planning Purposes

Unlike many other states which impose an estate tax at the time of a person’s death, Texas does not have such a tax. Therefore, when people move to Texas from another state many hope to eliminate the state-level inheritance tax from the prior state. To do so, Texans must ensure…


How May Changes to Estate and Gift Tax Impact Texans?

Although there has recently been a lot of news out of Washington, D.C.—particularly the COVID-19 Relief Bill—many individuals are interested in the 2022 fiscal year budget and the proposed changes that will be made. This includes expected capital gains and dividend tax rate increases for high-income individuals, along with any…


Will the Senate Estate Tax Bill Impact My Estate Plan?

With the recent election and inauguration of the 117th United States Congress, new bills are being introduced that impact all aspects of a person’s life. According to a recent news source, one such bill is Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposed estate and gift tax reform legislation. For individuals with an estate…


IRS Postpones Gift and GST Tax Filing Deadline to July 15

The Internal Revenue Service is postponing the date for filing gift tax and generation-skipping transfer tax returns and making payments until July 15, 2020, because of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The IRS has expanded the list of deadline extensions for federal taxes and tax returns to include gift and generation-skipping…


The CARES Act Essentials for Individual Taxpayers and Small Business Owners

Signed into law on Friday, March 27, the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act is the biggest economic stimulus package in U.S. history. Below are essential highlights for individuals and small businesses. Individuals One-time direct deposits of up to $1,200 for individual taxpayers with incomes up to $75,000…


Small Businesses Hurt by COVID-19 May Qualify for SBA Disaster Relief Loans

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is offering up to $2 million in Economic Injury Disaster Loans for small businesses impacted by the coronavirus, in addition to a resource page detailing eligibility and how to apply. It’s estimated that some 30 million US small businesses may fall victim to the…


Both Tax Filing and Payment Deadlines Extended to July 15, 2020

“Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Friday, March 20th,  that the administration has moved the IRS deadline for filing taxes from April 15 to July 15 due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus.” There has been some confusion about the income tax filing / tax payment deadline extensions. However, on…


What to do with a Sudden Windfall

It’s a problem that most people wish they had: a sudden influx of money, sometimes a lot of money. It can be overwhelming, and the most important thing to do is—nothing, at first. The first thing to do when you are newly flush with money, is take a few deep…


Why Would Social Security Tax Children’s Benefits?

Benefits for Social Security survivor children’s benefits are generally made out to a parent or guardian. They are taxable income, but most children do not have enough income to owe taxes on the benefits. According to a recent article “Are Social Security survivor benefits for children considered taxable income?” from…

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