
Articles Posted in Houston Trusts and Estates


Does Your Houston Home Have a Mortgage? Estate Planning Considerations

The moment you close on your home, you should make sure that your heirs will not be stuck with a no-win situation that leads to a home being abandoned, according to "What Happens When a Homeowner Dies before the Mortgage Is Paid?" in The Wall Street Journal. It may not…


Estate Planning: Preventative Therapy for Houston Family Members?

Something happens when money and possessions are involved, putting even the best of family relationships at risk, according to "Keeping the Peace Between Adult Children in Estate Planning" from The Huffington Post. The best strategy is advance planning and lots of candid discussions. Although American retirees have been ranked high…


Survey Shows Wealthy Clients Need Solid Communication Regarding Houston Estate Plan

More times than one would think, the very wealthy start the process of working with an estate planning attorney, discussing the plan and figuring out how to achieve specific goals. But many stop short of actually executing the plan. What leads this to happen? In an attempt to understand why…


Life Changes in Houston? Check Your Life Insurance

In "3 ways to choose the right life insurance plan," the New York Daily News invites readers to consider how their lives have changed over the decades, and how their insurance should change too. Young adults have some pretty straightforward insurance needs like obtaining insurance for their first car, insuring…


Houston’s Family-Owned Businesses Need Succession Planning

Estate planning for the owner of a family business is more complex and requires more thought than estate planning for an employee who owns a home and investment accounts. In "Five things you should know about estate planning for a family-owned business," Smart Business points out, in five broad strokes,…


Renee Benson Wins, Is Named Trustee for Her Late Mother’s Assets

A settlement agreement approved today by a probate court judge in Texas has NFL owner Tom Benson's estranged daughter Renee Benson replacing her billionaire father as a trustee overseeing her late mother's assets, as reported by the San Antonio Express News in "Tom Benson's daughter wrestles control of $1 billion…


Ivy League Law Students Fight for Veterans Rights

A lieutenant colonel serving in the U.S. Army Reserves was in Afghanistan on his third tour of duty, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and enduring a bad foot injury in 2011 when a letter arrived at his home, as described in Harvard Magazine's "Fighting for Veterans, Learning the Law."…


Checklist Serves as End-of-Life Care

For a generation that is proud of their ability to ignore all kinds of taboos, millennials are no different than any other generation when it comes to discussing end-of-life care and estate planning with their parents. It's up to you, Baby Boomers, to initiate the conversation with your millennial children…


Plan Now for the Future: Retirement, Estate and Vacation

The same people who put off estate planning have no problem finding the time to plan their vacations. And far too many people think the only plan they need for retirement concerns being able to pay bills. Retirement planning is for that time when you change direction and stop the…


New Life Event? Review Your Houston Estate Plan

From the following Forbes article, "8 Reasons to Revise Your Estate Plan Today," we learn that 51% of Americans age 55 – 64 don't have a Will. That's bad news for their families, who will have to deal with the estate plan default: whatever the rules are for their state. But…

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