Articles Tagged with Capital Gains

6.21.17Unintended consequences can occur when dividing up real property, which is often harder to distribute than investment accounts or savings accounts. Planning for real property division must take into account the different circumstances of your heirs.

You may have envisioned a time in the future, when your children and grandchildren enjoy the same lakeside home as you have for years after you’re gone, and are pleased with the idea of leaving the family vacation home to the next generation. But think again, says a recent article in Financial Planning, “Save clients from tax pitfalls, family strife when passing on that lake cabin,” because your vision may not translate into reality.

Some of the kids may be attached to the family vacation home and want to keep it. If possible, the best solution is a buyout among the siblings. That’s not as simple if finances don’t allow it, and the sentimental siblings are forced to sell, resulting in hard feelings. Another option is to put the vacation home in an irrevocable trust to remove it from the estate.

MP900382668What should you have expected to hear during the State of the Union address in January? Key proposals from the President include the following.

President Obama addressed the country in his January State of the Union speech about key proposals he has for our government.

Forbes recently detailed some of the key proposals from the President in its article titled “President's New Tax Proposal Would Hit Wealthy, Benefit Middle Class.”

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