Articles Tagged with Saver’s Credit

Piggy bankuilding a nest egg is an important goal for Americans, yet most Americans lag behind in their retirement planning goals.  Many families are still recovering from economic downturns, and saving is a struggle, even for people who are over 50 and know they should do more. There are certain tax breaks and, if you are lucky enough to work for a great company, employer contributions that can help grow your retirement savings in 2016.

US News explains how to take full advantage of the 401(k) and individual retirement account perks you're eligible for in 2016 in "How to Maximize Your Retirement Accounts in 2016."

Max out your 401(k). You can contribute up to $18,000 to your 401(k) plan in 2016, which means saving $1,500 per month. Income tax isn't due on this money until it is withdrawn from the account.

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