Articles Posted in Veterans Benefits


Eligibility for Texas Veterans Benefits After Change in Veterans Affairs Character of Discharge Rules

Texas Veterans Benefits: Who Qualifies? Under the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) current framework, only individuals deemed a “veteran”, may be eligible for VA benefits. Assuming the member met the active service requirement, the VA relies on the individual’s character of service designation (COD) to determine whether a former service…


Scams are Being Perpetrated on Veterans, Active Military and Their Families

“In 2018, 9.4% of all reports to BBB’s ScamTracker came from military personnel, veterans or their spouses, BBB of Metropolitan New York said.” The scam victims who were military personnel, veterans or their spouses reported higher median losses than non-military consumers, the BBB said. says in its recent article…


Veterans Watch Court Ruling for Possible Educational Expansion

Veterans who qualify for both the Post 9/11 GI Bill program and the older Montgomery GI bill may have access to expanded veterans education benefits. It all hinges on a recent federal court decision and a possible appeal by VA officials. Tens of thousands of veterans could be impacted, if…


New Rules on Benefits Appeals for Veterans

Following the adoption of new rules, there will now be options for veterans to appeal their disability benefits. The hope is that these three new processes will speed cases. It took more than a year and a half, but the Department of Veterans Affairs has announced that new appeals rules…


URGENT: The VA Regulations Have Changed!

What is the VA Pension Benefit?  The Veterans Administration pension program provides monthly tax-free benefit payments to certain wartime Veterans or their surviving spouses who meet the financial and medical requirements. Claimants who are eligible for VA pension may also qualify for supplemental monetary payments, such as housebound or aid…


Military Retirement Planning and The Big Decision in 2018

For those who joined the military in recent years, a big decision is looming for their future. They have to make a choice next year between staying in the old retirement system or opting for the new one. Figuring out whether or not to stay with the current military retirement…


The New Veterans Identification Card – What You Need To Know

The Veterans Administration recently announced their new application process to apply for the Veterans Identification Card (VIC). Back in 2015, The Veterans Identification Act ordered the VA to issue a VIC to veterans, also referred to as the universal photo ID. The VA was supposed to have this card available…


Estate Planning and Financial Planning—Two Areas Where Houston Military Families Need Help

It is not easy to be a member of a military family. They face many challenges that civilians do not, and—all too often—they do not receive the support in two critical areas that could make a difference. Risks for Houston military families include accidents during training, battlefield injury and the…


Ivy League Law Students Fight for Veterans Rights

A lieutenant colonel serving in the U.S. Army Reserves was in Afghanistan on his third tour of duty, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and enduring a bad foot injury in 2011 when a letter arrived at his home, as described in Harvard Magazine's "Fighting for Veterans, Learning the Law."…


VA Long-Term Care: Helpful Benefits Available

A survey conducted by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, National Council on Aging and UnitedHealthcare reveals a frightening statistic in the United States of Aging survey. 97% of professionals supporting people 60 and older believe that seniors will not be able to afford their health care costs…

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