
Articles Posted in Living Trust Attorney


“Downton Abbey” — A Good Lesson for Houston Families

The viewers of this high-end PBS costume drama, which takes place about a century ago, could very likely be your clients' demographic. Look at who's a top corporate sponsor: Viking River Cruises, which told The New York Times that “our demographic is affluent Baby Boomers 55+.” It's a big group:…


High Wage Earners in Houston Should Mind Tax Tips

There is less emphasis on estate taxes because the exemption—$5.43 million per person—is so high now. But income taxes are higher, so know what you are in for. Maybe the estate tax doesn’t apply to you, but what about rising income taxes? How should you plan accordingly? According to a…


2015: New Financial Goals for Houston Families

If history is a guide, this coming week nearly half of us will make resolutions seeking to improve some facet of our lives, many of which will be focused on personal finance. If one of your goals for the New Year is to get your financial life in order, here…


A Trust Can Help Keep Public Lives A Bit More Private

In all likelihood, [film director] Nichols had a "revocable living trust," that contained the dispositive provisions of his estate so that his wishes were shielded from the public.  Celebrities and high-profile estates tend to be a hot topic in the media, but sometimes the media doesn't get the full story.…


Ring In the New Year with a Roth IRA

Sharron Epperson, who is CNBC’s senior personal finance correspondent, stressed the importance of retirement planning in the coming year — with two products in particular. Need a financial resolution for 2015? Save as much money as you can in a Roth IRA. One of the best things you can do…


Store-Bought Gifts? Give Assets to Houston Families Instead

Gifting can be an estate planning tool, for you can save on future estate taxes and have the pleasure of watching your dollars work for your children or grandchildren while you are still alive. If you're tired of the standard store-bought items for gifts, you may consider a different spin…


Checking Santa’s Estate Planning Tips for Houston

Yes, nobody relishes thinking about the day when they will no longer be around. But with a little effort and foresight, you can give your family the ultimate gift: a piece of mind. Here's a quick checklist of estate planning essentials. Not really ready for an estate planning talk around…


Trusts Remain Good Ideas for Houston Families

Irrevocable trusts, which are virtually unchangeable once established, have decreased in use, but revocable trusts, over which the grantor retains control, still flourish. A recent article, titled “Trusts remain useful tool in estate planning,” addressed some confusion over the use of trusts in light of recent changes in the…


Only the Rich Need a Trust in Houston? Wrong!

 By keeping even modest sums of money protected, trusts can ensure that your wishes for your money will be honored into the future. A recent article by the Motley Fool,titled "5 Things You Didn't Know — but Should! — About Trusts," sheds some light on common misperceptions of trusts. Here…


Planning for Death Is Unpleasant; Critical for Houston Families

Once someone dies there is much work to be done. These are a few suggestions to help you get administratively organized for death. To make death easier for all involved, it’s critical to plan some of the issues related to death far in advance with some contemplation to make everything…

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