Articles Tagged with Disabled

DoctorsThe most important thing for any patient with a long-term illness is to focus on his overall health and mental outlook. Having financial plans in place allows a patient to set other worries aside.

How do you plan for future illnesses or tragedies? The "what ifs" of life are all too real, so get your financial plans in place ahead of time.       

Life Insurance is extremely important if you have young children who depend on your income. A recent Time article, titled "When Tragedy Strikes a Young Family," suggests a 20- to 30-year level term policy as a good start to help support your family through the children’s school years. Another often overlooked part of this type of planning is Disability Insurance. As many people have discovered, being unable to go to work due to an injury or sickness can be more financially catastrophic than death. Expenses typically increase with treatment and recovery, but your income stops. A disability policy either through your employer or through a private insurer can be a real wise move and offers a good deal of protection—it provides a portion of your income while you are unable to work.

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