Now is the time for small business owners to evaluate their year-end retirement planning while building a retirement budget line item for next year.
A recent article in The (Great Falls MT) Prairie Star, titled “Review estate, tax and retirement planning issues now,” argues that a farm or ranch operation should include retirement savings for the owner and/or employees as a part of annual budgeting. These retirement funds provide tax savings now and may provide liquidity and income when the decisions for retirement and/or farm transition take place.
Small businesses, including self-employed taxpayers, have two choices after the end of the year to establish and contribute to a retirement plan. These two choices are the Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan and the individual retirement arrangement (IRA). A taxpayer has until the due date of the business federal tax return (including extensions) to set up and fund a SEP, but IRAs can’t be funded after the due date of the taxpayer’s personal federal income tax return.