Articles Posted in Financial Planning

Daughter and motherDealing with aging parents is not only tough emotionally, but financially.

As one's parents age, financial and health care discussions are essential for families to have in order to plan ahead for any care they may require.

A recent Newsday article, titled"Money Fix: The cost of caregiving," tackled this tough issue and offered some financial and non-financial advice to help with providing care for aging parents.

Kids in fall leavesBelow are key financial planning tips to guide you through the four seasons of your financial life.

With summer ending and fall around the corner, the changing of seasons is almost upon us. Just as the seasons change with each passing year, your financial seasons change as well.

An article titled "The four seasons of financial planning," as recently published in the Las Vegas Review Journal, explained the four “financial seasons” of life, which can help you see where you are now and what you need to do in the future. Understanding the change of seasons and how to handle your money will ultimately determine if you are successful in attaining or exceeding your long-term financial goals.

Turkey dinner

You may have to raise some unpleasant issues when you speak with family members over the holidays if you want to ensure a successful retirement.

Soon enough families with be gathering together to celebrate the holiday season. There will be much chatter around the table as families catch up with their loved ones.  And while we all know it's best to avoid arguments over religion and politics, there are other potential skunks that can spoil the festivities.

Unfortunately, some of these skunks are subjects that really do need to be addressed while the family is available for discussion.

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