
Articles Posted in Special Needs Trust


How Do Trust Funds Work?

Trusts serve a variety of functions in estate planning, and they aren’t just for wealthy people. Trusts can be simple, or they can be complex, depending on what type of trust is being considered and how they are structured. Trusts should be set up by an estate planning attorney, who…


Special Needs Families Need Strong Financial Planning

The cost of raising a child with special needs is easily twice that of an average child, and college costs are higher as well. Families with special needs children need to plan their child’s future carefully in many regards, and financial concerns are, by necessity, a big part of planning.…


When Special Needs Children Become Legal Adults

The saying “little children, little problems, big children, big problems,” is particularly appropriate for parents of special needs children. Preparing for the next phase takes time, so it’s best to begin the process, once they celebrate their 17th birthday. One of the many decisions that parents need to make before…


How Does a Living Trust Work?

Living trusts can achieve different goals, depending upon how they are drafted. Knowing the fundamentals will help you decide how to go forward. It’s important to know that not all living trusts are the same. However, common reasons for using a living trust are for privacy and avoiding probate. Placing…


Can an Estate Plan Protect an Adult Child with an Addiction or Mental Illness?

When all of your time is spent battling the challenges of mental illness or addiction, it’s hard to imagine what the future will bring.  However, that’s exactly why estate planning is so important. It’s not an easy issue to discuss with an estate planning attorney for the first time.  However,…


Before You File Your 2016 Taxes, Review These Tax Breaks for the Disabled

There is some kindness in the tax code, especially when it comes to the disabled and their care givers. There are a few tax breaks that are intended to alleviate some of the financial burden. Even when a disabled person is able to work, they or their caregivers must incur…


Longer Life Spans for Special Needs Children Impact Parents’ Retirement Planning

A dramatic increase in the number of adults with developmental disabilities, coupled with their increasing life spans, presents planning challenges for parents. Special needs families are accustomed to things being more complicated, and retirement planning is no exception. Parents must plan for their own retirement as well as ensure that…


Special Needs Trusts Provide Parents with Peace of Mind

Houston Families who are faced with the often overwhelming financial, logistical and emotional challenges that come when a family member has special needs use these trusts to protect their child's quality of life. A young couple who wisely had an estate plan created while their children were very young returned…


Houston Estate Planning? Consider Special Needs Child

Learning that your family will include a special needs child dramatically changes the narrative for families and most don't know what to expect, from providing care to financial planning. The New York Daily News explores the financial planning that needs to take place in "How to prepare a financial plan…

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