
Articles Posted in Health Care Directive


Aging Parents and the Important Conversations to Have Now, Not Later

The roles are reversed when parents age. You can’t count on them to take the lead in having discussions about money, health, aging and other concerns that come in the later years. When you were a kid, your parents were in charge. Now your parents are older, and you must…


Mid-Summer is Time for a Midyear Financial Checkup

While the number of people making New Year’s financial resolutions are on the rise, we would do well to make a midyear financial check a regular part of the summer season. The good news is more than 30% of Americans did give some thought to making financial resolutions this past…


Second Marriage and Blended Families Add Complexity to Estate Planning

The old adage is right—a second marriage is indeed the triumph of hope over experience. Add estate planning to keep that hope—and peace in the family—intact. It’s a delicate balance to hold: preserving assets for children from a first marriage and—at the same time—ensuring that your new spouse will have…


Estate Planning Alzheimer’s Disease Patients

When a loved one has Alzheimer’s, advanced planning for legal and financial matters becomes even more important than in day-to-day estate planning. Ideally, planning well in advance, before the disease has taken a toll on the person’s cognitive abilities, may give them an opportunity to express their wishes for their…


Estate Planning Isn’t Just for Older Adults

"A lot of people think this is just about elderly parents, but it's a big issue for people with adult children away at school or on their own as an unmarried adult," said Carnick, president of Carnick & Kubik Personal Wealth Advisors. "Who's going to speak for them if they…

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