Talking to family members about estate planning and legacies can be difficult and even painful. Those discussions, however, will almost certainly be less painful in the long run than the stories children may make up after parents are gone about why they made the choices they did. Should you tell…
Articles Posted in Asset Protection
Consider These Inheritance Planning Questions for Houston Estates
Making decisions about the disposition of your assets can be an emotionally fraught and time-consuming process. Take small steps and seek expert guidance to realize your plans for the financial care of your families. Who gets what when it comes to your estate? The process of distributing your assets is…
Sibling Tug-of-War: Estate Planning Nightmare
Dealing with an ill parent or their estate once they pass can be difficult, and having support through your siblings is important. However, sibling feuds can get in the way and cause conflicts during this time. Having your parents’ estate planning documents in order not only ensures their health care, finance and…
Money Mindsets and Financial Decisions for Houston Residents
Money security, in most cases, is a choice. It requires the right mindset and consistent actions. Like learning a craft or skill, time, patience and devout determination is required, most especially if you are starting from a difficult position. How do you deal with money? What is your "mindset" when…
Tragedy Can Strike at Any Time, Don’t Delay Your Estate Planning!
Family law practitioner Andy Low Hann Yong also noted a "significant increase" in inquiries for will writing service of late. He said this could be due to rising public awareness on the importance of having a will, or the occurrence of unfortunate incidents such as Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and…
Houston Families: Do Your Beneficiary Designations Align With Your Will?
One of the colossal failures in estate planning I witness when people make their wills is not coordinating the will with the overall beneficiary designations they have chosen. Does your will surpass your beneficiary designations on financial accounts? A recent Wall Street Journal article, titled "How People Undermine Their Own…
Trust Myths Busted for Houston Families
They can be incredibly useful tools, and thanks to the publicity, more people may consider using them, but many people misunderstand how trusts work. Let's take a look at — and dispel — three common myths about them. Are trusts too much work? Are they only for the rich and…
Is Estate Planning Only for Wealthy Houstonians?
So who needs estate planning? The answer is just about everyone. Although it is true that the planning that is required for a person with very limited wealth versus that of a person with great wealth, should not be as complex or costly, some degree of planning is required nevertheless.…
Should You Use Mediation To Discuss Houston Elder Law Issues?
Mediation has emerged as a valuable tool for seniors and their families as an alternative to costly litigation. Mediation can be a useful instrument to prevent post death conflict by dealing with a family's issues during the senior's life. A recent issue of the New York Law Journal, titled "Mediation:…
Passing on Artwork? How To Divide the “Picassos” of Your Houston Estate
Serious art collectors might roll over in their graves—or never marry—if they knew what feuds their purchases were destined to inspire. On the other hand, lots of friction can be avoided if lovers of art and their families acquaint themselves with a few legal and tax basics. So, who's getting…