Articles Tagged with Houston Elder Law

Bigstock-Couple-running-bookshop-13904324In the article "Social Security Changes in 2016.", AARP provided a full list of the Social Security changes for this year.

No Bump. Social Security beneficiaries will not receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) due to low inflation. This is the third time since 2010 that beneficiaries won't see a raise.

Your Average Monthly Social Security Benefit. The maximum monthly benefit for workers retiring at full retirement age is $2,639. The average monthly benefit for all retired workers is $1,341.

Concerned elderThis is a story that any professional working with seniors finds particularly abhorrent. An investigation by the New Jersey State Police and the Division of Criminal Justice uncovered a scheme by a New Jersey woman, her sister and several others—including an attorney—to steal millions from elderly clients they were supposed to be helping.

The story was reported by New Jersey 101.5 in "NJ woman pleads guilty to scamming millions of dollars from the elderly."
A New Jersey State Police investigation led to the indictment of Sondra Steen along with her sister Jan Van Holt. The latter was the owner of a company that offered elderly clients in-home care and legal financial planning. Two other employees pleaded guilty to taking part in the scheme and stealing $125,000 from an elderly couple. Van Holt and Steen were charged with conspiring with a lawyer to steal over $2.7 million from 12 elderly clients.

Van Holt would target potential elderly clients who were known to have substantial assets with no immediate family. They would be offered help through the company with non-medical services such as running errands, managing finances, getting to appointments, and housework. Steen would then serve as the client's primary caregiver.

Daughter-and-mom-at-computer-300x199The challenges facing seniors and their adult children can be placed into four main categories, according to the article "Talk to aging parents about finances, health care, living arrangements," appearing in The Ventura County Star. They are: finances, living arrangements, medical coverage and estate planning.

Understand your parents' ideas about their future Houston living arrangements when and if they become unable to care for themselves. If they want to stay in their own home, familiarize yourself with the available community resources for support and research alternative living arrangements in the event that remaining at home is no longer a viable option.

Analyze the type of medical coverage your parents have and its coverage. Get the name and telephone number of their primary care physician and any specialist they are seeing. Have a sense of their medical history and condition.

HouseWritten by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Glendale), a new law, AB 139, is unlike most of the over-reaching and bombastic legislation that originates in the State Capital. As reported in The San Diego Times-Union, "State ushers in refreshingly modest law," this new law makes one aspect of estate planning easier for California homeowners.

The measure, which passed unanimously in both the Assembly and the Senate, creates "a new, non-probate method for conveying real property upon death through a revocable transfer upon death deed." It's a simple way for people to transfer their home (or one-to-four-unit investment properties) upon their death – without having to pay for a living trust or having it all sorted out in probate court.

California had provided simple "payable upon death" forms for many valuable items, such as automobiles and stock accounts, but not for real property. Creating a trust has many advantages, but legislators realized that without a trust, the estate would be handled in a potentially lengthy probate process.

Hands on jail cellEight specific recommendations are now being reviewed by Tennessee state legislators who are responding to the results of a task force that placed a spotlight on a disgraceful problem. A problem that is not limited to any one state.

The Elder Abuse Task Force submitted a final report on its findings to the General Assembly, according to the WJHL News article "Elder Abuse Task Force submits final report, recommendations to Tennessee General Assembly."

This task force was created as part of legislation from Senator Rusty Crowe and Representative Courtney Rogers after a 2013 Community Watchdog investigation into the state's abuse problem.

Hour glass
It’s already February! What happened to the holidays? What happened to January?

On the first of January, we each received the gift of 525,600 minutes—plus we get a bonus of 1,440 minutes because it's a leap year with an extra day, February 29. By the time you read this, more than 41,760 minutes will have passed this year, and we can't get them back.

They're gone. Forever.

Black white photo of handsThose holiday gatherings were important for Houston families.  And, family gatherings can be a valuable time for family discussions and decision making. This is particularly true for families facing the issues of legal incapacity, according to The Huffington Post. The article, "Legal Issues for Concerned Family and Friends of a Possibly Incapacitated Individual," advises that functional capacity is contextual. The challenges an individual faces in daily living and how well they are being addressed is sometimes hard to pin down. The legal terminology is frequently vague and inconsistent. Terms such as "incompetent," "unsound mind," and "incapacity" are used interchangeably.

State statutes typically define an "incapacitated person" as someone who, because of a physical or mental condition, is substantially unable to provide food, clothing, or shelter for himself or herself, to care for the individual's own physical health or to manage the individual's own financial affairs.

The courts will often require expert testimony and reports as to the individual's physical or mental state before rendering a judgment. Many states use a required standardized "Certificate of Medical Examination" form to be submitted to a court, which has the specific statutory definition of incapacity. It will often have boxes for the physician to check and a space for his or her comments.

Daughter and motherKeeping all the balls in the air can be a tough juggling act, according to "The Sandwich Generation Juggling Act," from the website Next Avenue. Jugglers know that adding that fourth airborne ball to their juggling routine can be a challenge for most.

Today, we have a societal juggling act going on within the Sandwich Generation of caregivers—the group defined as the 24 million Americans who are juggling children, careers, and caring for an older parent. While many individuals can handle three balls (me, children, career), once the caregiving ball is added, the ball that gets dropped is "me," or the caregiver themselves.

Caregivers should take each ball of responsibility they're juggling and focus on ways to keep that ball moving in a fluid motion. Juggling really only requires getting one ball into the air at a time, so let's look at each one.

Signing documentIt’s very important for individuals who are diagnosed with dementia to appoint a trusted family member or friend to make a commitment to help them make important financial and medical decisions when they no longer can do these tasks. According to an article in Money, "5 Essential Documents for Protecting a Loved One with Dementia," the time to make this assignment is when the person is still mentally competent and has the legal capacity to make sound decisions.

If you delay with the paperwork, your family member's dementia may progress to the point where he or she cannot legally turn over power. At that point, your only option is to petition for guardianship and ask a judge to declare the person incapacitated. That can take about two months and may be expensive. It can get even worse if your loved one—or another family member—contests the application.

Laws vary by state, and mistakes can be costly. You should draft these documents with the help of an experienced elder care attorney. Here are the key documents that are recommended:

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