
Articles Posted in Asset Protection


Understanding the Basics about Medicare

Even if you are still working, once you turn 65, you have to navigate your way through an entirely new and complex health care system. While there’s no HR department, there are resources. It starts the day you turn 65, and it’s a bit of a challenge. Seniors need to…


Wrong Answers to Two Misconceptions about Estate Planning

The moment you become a parent, you need a will. The same is true once you acquire any kind of asset that you want to give to someone after you die. It’s really that simple. The reasons why so many people don’t think they need a will fall into a…


Four Decisions at the Heart of Retirement Planning

Are you surprised that such a complex topic can be divided into just four sections? Once these difficult tasks are accomplished, you’ll have some much needed perspective that will help the rest of the process along. According to a recent article in Forbes, “How Much Do You Need To Retire:…


Savvy Tips for Dealing with an Inheritance

Inheritances by their very nature, create many mixed emotions. While you are grateful for the inheritance, you are grieving, which is a painful experience that impacts decision-making skills. Perhaps the most important thing to know when you are grieving the loss of a loved one and expect to receive an…


RMDs for Retirement Accounts: What You Need to Know

New Year’s Eve is the deadline for taking RMDs if you are older than 70 ½. Haven’t started yet? Get on this right away to get it done in time. Otherwise, be prepared to pay a penalty. You still have a little time to beat the last minute rush on…


Senior Weddings Call for a Different Kind of Planning

If you’re walking down the aisle again, there are a number of smart steps to take before you say “I do” another time. Just as your life was probably simpler the first time you married, your subsequent marriage, especially if it occurs late in life, can become problematic, if good…


Protect Yourself and Your Money from Financial Errors in Later Years

There are some steps you can take now, just in case your financial savvy becomes less sharp as you age. You may have watched first-hand as a beloved parent’s money management skills went from smart to questionable. Scam artists take advantage of this, stealing homes and emptying bank accounts of…


Gender Gap isn’t Limited to Income Levels

A recent international study reported that it will take 170 years before women around the globe reach pay equality with men. This study determined exactly how much income is lost when women step out of the workforce. If knowledge is power, then the hope is that Business Wire’s article, “Millennial…


Fearing Loss of Control is One Reason People try to Hide Alzheimer’s

Planning for life with Alzheimer’s includes selecting trusted family members or friends who can assist with legal and financial matters. It was at least three years after his diagnosis that comedic actor Gene Wilder revealed he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. This is not unusual, according to experts discussing his…


When the Heir is Not A Family Member

A cautionary tale ends with a will being declared invalid, firings at the local police station and a lesson in elder abuse. A wealthy 92 year old woman suffering from dementia left a $2 million estate to a local police sergeant but after three years of legal wrangling, her will…

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