Articles Posted in Guardianship


Does My Older Loved One in Texas Need a Guardian?

Parents take care of their children as they grow up and age. However, when these parents are getting older, children may get concerned about their parent’s health and well-being. In these cases, they may seek a guardian for their loved one, to take care of their personal and financial affairs.…


How Can Disability Pre-Planning Help Houston Residents?

We want to believe that, should we ever become incapacitated, the people we trust to protect us will behave honorably. A recent California court decision shows that, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Houston residents young and old should heed the court’s warning in this case, which it described…


How Recent Concerns Surrounding Conservatorships Can Play into a Texas Estate Plan

Once best known for her chart-topping hits, Britney Spears is now in the limelight for a much more somber reason. For over a decade, Ms. Spears has been under a conservatorship following a decline in her mental health. That conservatorship has recently gained attention and notoriety as Ms. Spears and…


What Should I Know about Guardianship?

In a perfect world, a child would be raised by its parents. However, this isn’t always possible, and legally enforceable decisions must sometimes be made to name the person who is best positioned to look after a child. Guardianship is generally only needed when a person is incapable—whether legally or…


Under 40, Do I Need a Will?

It's never too early to start estate planning. If you already have a family, getting your personal affairs in order is a must. The sooner you start planning, the more prepared you will be for life's unexpected twists and turns. Estate planning is a crucial process for everyone, no matter…


Planning for Incapacity

It’s a hard thing to imagine: what would your life be like, if you were not able to take care of yourself? Not being able to manage your physical or financial needs, drive, leave your home without assistance, or do any of the things that you do now as a…


Why You and Everyone Else Needs a Will

Once you understand what a will can do, the reason that everyone needs one becomes a lot clearer, especially if you have any minor children or any assets. A will is a legal document used to provide clear and binding instructions on how you want your assets to be distributed…


Here are the Estate Planning Documents You Must Have

Leaving the workplace behind and heading into retirement can be as much an emotional transition, as it is financial. The prospect of fulfilling dreams long deferred, while recognizing a milestone of aging can take time to work through. At the same time, there are time-sensitive tasks that need doing. During…


How Does a Power of Attorney Work?

The durable power of attorney is a means of naming a person who can represent another in all legal and financial matters, while they are alive and well, as well as when they are incapacitated. It is a legal document that needs careful consideration. The power of attorney gives a…


Did Groucho Marx Have Estate Planning and Elder Care Problems?

“By the time Groucho was an old man, however, he experienced significant problems in his daily activities, medical decision-making and the management of his estate. He suffered from elements of dementia, a heart attack and congestive heart failure, falls resulting in a broken hip, and after that hip was repaired,…

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