
Articles Posted in Estate Planning


6 Common Estate Planning Mistakes To Easily Avoid

This grim topic deserves your attention. If you haven’t made plans for what will happen after you die, your loved ones will have to pick up the pieces. Here’s the nice part about this serious subject: once you have created an estate plan, you will have a clearer understanding of…


When Does an Estate Plan Need to Be Reviewed?

People think of estate plans as one-off documents, but they should think of them more like cars. Estate plans need maintenance, oil changes, tune-ups and if there’s an accident, repairs. As life progresses, you’ll go through a number of stages, from being a teen to an adult, getting married, retiring,…


What Happens When an Heir Predeceases the Parent?

If your will does not address this issue, then your state’s laws will be applied. Speak to an experienced Houston estate planning attorney to see about Texas heir laws.  Estate planning attorneys deal with unexpected issues all of the time, and by their nature, some of them involve sensitive and sad topics.…


When Disaster Strikes, Will Your Estate Be Ready?

The swiftness of fires and flood in the news in recent months, even in places that have never experienced dramatic disasters, puts a spotlight on the need for preparedness. That includes your estate plan. The evening news presents enough reminders about the need to plan for disasters. However, many people…


What Will Happen to Paul Allen’s Vast Fortune?

The co-founder of Microsoft serves as an excellent example of advance planning, maintaining privacy and creating a legacy. Through a trust established years ago and several companies, Paul Allen began building his legacy of philanthropy long before his death. His last will and testament was a simple six-page document, according…


How Does Life Insurance Work in Farm Estate Planning?

Life insurance can be useful in paying off debt, covering funeral costs and serving as a useful resource so that estate proceeds or any one person’s savings don’t have to be tapped. Life insurance may be the least sexy part of the transition from one farming generation to another, but…


Are You or Will You Become a “Solo Ager”?

“Solo agers or Elder Orphans face unique challenges, as their needs begin to change.” Did you know that a study from the Pew Research Center says about 20% of the 75 million baby boomers don’t have children—a figure that’s double what it was in the 1970s and one that’s expected…


Dementia and Estate Planning, From a Voice of Experience

Professionals who have had clients with family members suffering from dementia have a greater understanding of the challenges these families face. However, living through the experience personally is totally different. When a loved one receives a diagnosis of dementia, as described in this deeply personal article from Financial Advisor, “The…


What Happens to a Business When the Owner Retires?

It takes time to build a business, and it can take just as long to create a strong succession plan. Many business owners can’t imagine a life without the business they built, so they often postpone planning for their own retirement and the sale or transfer of the business. That…


Have It Your Way, With a Will

Without a will, decisions about your life, property and children will be made by someone who does not know you or your family. With a will, you have the ability to express your wishes. You need a will! Having a will is not just for wealthy folks, who need to…

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