
Articles Posted in Medicaid Planning


Planning for Medical Expenses During Retirement

The unknown about spending in retirement is not just whether it will be higher or lower, but when during the course of retirement, you’ll be spending more or less. If you downsize, housing costs will decrease, but if you travel more, recreational spending will rise. According to a recent article…


How Does a Medicaid Annuity Work?

When one spouse needs nursing home care and the other is healthy, there are several approaches that can be taken to securing Medicaid coverage. An elder law estate planning attorney should be contacted, since every situation is different. For some couples, a Medicaid-compliant annuity may be a solution. What happens…


How Trusts Work in Estate Planning for Regular People

You’ve heard the expression “trust fund babies.” However, trusts are not just for the wealthy. They have a number of uses in estate planning and can be helpful at any asset level. The reality of our own mortality keeps some of us up at night. For others, it’s a disturbing…


How Does Medicaid Treat College Savings Funds?

Saving for college but needing to receive Medicaid is a complicated equation. The answer “It depends” is not much of a comfort when considering how college savings accounts will be treated for Medicaid purposes.  However, it is, unfortunately, the most accurate answer. There are several factors that must be considered:…


Can a Revocable Land Trust Shield Assets from Medicaid?

Control of an asset is a key element, when Medicaid considers an individual’s eligibility. A recent article from, “What revocable land trusts mean to Medicaid eligibility,” starts with what sounds almost like a warning: it’s not easy to protect or hide assets from Medicaid. A revocable land trust won't…


Are You Saving Enough for the High Cost of Assisted Living?

If you haven’t been saving for retirement, maybe you’ll do better if you are focused on saving for assisted living. One well known survey, 2017 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, reports that you’ll need $1,517 a month for adult day health care. Those fees are only going in one direction—up!…


Why You Need Long-Term Care Insurance

The cost of long-term care insurance may not be cheap, but the cost of long-term care is extremely expensive, and is only moving higher. Long-term care insurance is costly, but health care costs for seniors who need long-term care could easily undo decades of retirement planning. Here’s what you need…


Medicaid Matters—Here’s Why

It is premature for anyone who depends upon either Medicaid or Obamacare to breathe a sigh of life. While recent attempts to repeal Obamacare have failed, both of these programs are being targeted. Medicaid is far more important to more Americans than most people know. It does provide healthcare for…


Understanding the Basics about Medicare

Even if you are still working, once you turn 65, you have to navigate your way through an entirely new and complex health care system. While there’s no HR department, there are resources. It starts the day you turn 65, and it’s a bit of a challenge. Seniors need to…


How to Prepare for Long-Term Care Costs in Houston

The cost of long-term care can take a huge bite out of retirement savings, exhaust family resources and create strain on relationships. Don’t count on Medicare, but do plan in advance. At least seven out of ten Americans age 65 and over will need long-term care at some point. Most…

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