Articles Tagged with Family Trust

Baseball - CopyIf a Loved One or you have an estate plan, or even part of one, then some team members already are on board via the planning process and likely are actively serving or are nominated in the documents. They can have roles in the testamentary will, trusts, business purchase agreement, powers of attorney, medical directives or any of the other estate-planning instruments created during life.

Some team members are fee-based professionals, while others can be volunteers. In many instances, not all of the specialties will be required. Your estate planning team should consist of the combination of members that best suits your situation.

The Myrtle Beach (FL) Sun News recently published an article titled “Assembling your team for estate management”which reminds us that one person or a firm can serve in more than one fiduciary or team-member role.

Vision sign"The costliest errors are ones we make ourselves, often without realizing how much damage we're doing."

"Estate planning is intertwined with the financial plan," a article explained, and it’s no secret that many individuals fail to prepare for retirement. When doing an estate plan, the article offers some sound advice:

  • Make sure an estate planning attorney examines every major financial document;

Reitrement signNow is the time for small business owners to evaluate their year-end retirement planning while building a retirement budget line item for next year.

A recent article in The (Great Falls MT) Prairie Star, titled Review estate, tax and retirement planning issues now, argues that a farm or ranch operation should include retirement savings for the owner and/or employees as a part of annual budgeting. These retirement funds provide tax savings now and may provide liquidity and income when the decisions for retirement and/or farm transition take place.

Small businesses, including self-employed taxpayers, have two choices after the end of the year to establish and contribute to a retirement plan. These two choices are the Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan and the individual retirement arrangement (IRA). A taxpayer has until the due date of the business federal tax return (including extensions) to set up and fund a SEP, but IRAs can’t be funded after the due date of the taxpayer’s personal federal income tax return.

Bigstock-Beautiful-woman-looking-throug-20311445Sometimes, a loved one’s estate may include debt.  Do you know what to do should if you are the spouse or heir that inherits debt?

If you aren’t sure what to do with a loved one’s debts after they pass – or what to tell others to do with your own debts – you may want to read a recent article in The Huffington Post titled “Debt and the Deceased: How Should Spouses and Heirs Proceed?”

Be honest about your financial situation. It’s not that easy for some family members to discuss debt issues, especially older Americans who hoped for better at the end of their lives. Even so, parents and their adult children or spouses should thoroughly talk about any outstanding debts that could affect the borrower's estate.

Divided wedding cake topperOnce you're divorced you should immediately create a new estate plan — a will or revocable living trust, a healthcare power of attorney, and a living will ("pull the plug") designee. Read on for more estate planning must-do’s regarding divorce.

A recent article in the The Huffington Post, titled “Divorce and Money,”says that you should always listen to your attorney about the applicable laws in your state regarding divorce and your estate. In addition, the article says that you should also look at the following issues.

The division of property in a divorce is typically not taxable to either party. However, if instead of dividing marital property, one spouse agrees to monthly maintenance (alimony), this will be taxed as ordinary income. And it’s deductible to the paying spouse. The original article also notes that the spouse receiving the maintenance checks must make a quarterly estimated federal and state tax payment, so you need to plan accordingly.

MP900442275n nearly every way you could make a mistake — for example, saving too late — you can also make up ground by availing yourself of all resources at your disposal (say, your employer's 401(k) matching program). With that in mind, here’s a list of 28 major retirement pitfalls to avoid — and what to do if you end up taking some missteps.

Retirement planning is tricky, no? When and where and how much … there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to retirement.

Experts say that the right retirement plan involves timing and opportunity. But nobody’s perfect. We all are apt to make a mistake, but we can usually make things right. With that in mind, The Motley Fool compiled a list of 28 major retirement pitfalls, how to avoid them—and how to correct them if you take a detour in an article titled 28 Retirement Mistakes People Make.

Hour glassLegislation allowing Mississippians to place their assets in a trust for up to 360 years passed the state House and is now pending before Gov. Phil Bryant.

How long should a trust really last?

According to the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, Mississippi’s House Judiciary Chair Mark Barker said many states were passing laws allowing for the establishments of trusts for 360 years or longer. He also commented that this is actually the process already since there are loopholes in the existing state rules against perpetuities.

Mary Todd LincolnAs Mary Todd Lincoln’s character in “The Widow Lincoln” faces dozens of unpaid bills for home furnishings, clothes and jewelry, she asks, “How will I ever pay these debts? I am nothing. I am no one.” On top of moving out of the White House, mothering her sons and moving forward with her life, Lincoln must deal with all these financial stresses. She no longer has her husband to rely on for emotional support, income or an identity. It’s a crisis many women in the 21st century face, too.

A recent article in U.S. News & World Report, titled “Modern Money Lessons from Mary Todd Lincoln, reports that experts recommend participating in money management throughout marriage and preparing for the possibility of one day being on your own, like many women eventually are, due to divorce or death.

Becoming a widow often means a drastic change and a new way of life, whether in 1865 or 2015. For many, it means understanding how to manage finances by yourself and experiencing less income, along with debilitating grief. 

Bigstock-Extended-Family-Outside-Modern-13915094Blended families without a proper estate plan for wealth transfer could run into additional obstacles not observed by traditional families.

For example, state inheritance rules, intestate laws, and conflicts in beneficiary designations could be inconsistent with the will. In addition, a disinheritance of new family members without the knowledge of the entire family can cause emotional friction between the surviving family members.

There have been some laws enacted that have changed how beneficiary designations are handled, so make sure your estate plan is in sync with your retirement accounts. Do this because those beneficiary designations generally supersede what is directed in your will.

MP900409255If history is a guide, this coming week nearly half of us will make resolutions seeking to improve some facet of our lives, many of which will be focused on personal finance. If one of your goals for the New Year is to get your financial life in order, here are a few key areas which should be included on your 2015 financial planning checklist.

As you begin compiling your 2015 financial goals, one of the first items on your list should be to calculate how much money you'll need in retirement. It’s one of the most significant math problems you’ll do after you finish grade school. Once you have arrived at the answer to this math problem, you need to examine if that answer will create a problem for you as you prepare for retirement.

With that target in place, pay heed to the advice in an article from titled Start your 2015 financial planning checklist.Consequently, you should create a strategy that will help you achieve that goal. A savings plan is one method you can use—and take maximum advantage of any tax-deferred savings opportunities available to you along the way.

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