Articles Posted in Capacity


How to Assist Loved Ones with Cognitive Decline in Texas Estate Plans

When a loved one begins to show signs of cognitive decline, it can become difficult to emotionally reconcile who they once were with who they are becoming. They also will need more assistance with many daily activities—this may include their ability to handle their finances. While it may seem like…


Under 40, Do I Need a Will?

It's never too early to start estate planning. If you already have a family, getting your personal affairs in order is a must. The sooner you start planning, the more prepared you will be for life's unexpected twists and turns. Estate planning is a crucial process for everyone, no matter…


Planning for Incapacity

It’s a hard thing to imagine: what would your life be like, if you were not able to take care of yourself? Not being able to manage your physical or financial needs, drive, leave your home without assistance, or do any of the things that you do now as a…


Why You and Everyone Else Needs a Will

Once you understand what a will can do, the reason that everyone needs one becomes a lot clearer, especially if you have any minor children or any assets. A will is a legal document used to provide clear and binding instructions on how you want your assets to be distributed…


Why Estate Planning Matters for People Without Children

Estate planning is even more important for individuals and couples without children. Without an estate plan, your assets may go to long-lost relatives you’ve never met. You also need to plan for incapacity, especially if there are no living relatives. While your legacy may be different if you don’t have…


Here are the Estate Planning Documents You Must Have

Leaving the workplace behind and heading into retirement can be as much an emotional transition, as it is financial. The prospect of fulfilling dreams long deferred, while recognizing a milestone of aging can take time to work through. At the same time, there are time-sensitive tasks that need doing. During…


How Does a Power of Attorney Work?

The durable power of attorney is a means of naming a person who can represent another in all legal and financial matters, while they are alive and well, as well as when they are incapacitated. It is a legal document that needs careful consideration. The power of attorney gives a…


Did Groucho Marx Have Estate Planning and Elder Care Problems?

“By the time Groucho was an old man, however, he experienced significant problems in his daily activities, medical decision-making and the management of his estate. He suffered from elements of dementia, a heart attack and congestive heart failure, falls resulting in a broken hip, and after that hip was repaired,…


Why Do I Need an Attorney’s Help with Estate Planning?

When you die, the assets you’ve accumulated during your lifetime have to be distributed. If you don’t make a plan, your family may be left to clean up a legal mess, quarrel amongst themselves, or watch as a long-lost family member is given everything by a court decision. An estate…


How Advance Directives Are Used When the Diagnosis is Dementia

The progressive nature of dementia makes advance directives necessary to manage the health care needs of the patient. When adult children suspect that one or both of their parents may be suffering from the early symptoms of dementia, it’s a good idea to sit down with an experienced elder care…

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