Articles Posted in Estate Plan


Does Your Estate Plan Match Your Life Right Now?

Remember to update your estate plan, especially if your life includes events like new kids, a new marriage or the death of a loved one. If you love your family, you’ll keep them in mind when considering whether to make an appointment to update your estate, as you go through…


How Estate Planning Protects Your Loved Ones

Estate planning is not just for people who live in mansions. Quite the opposite! Everyone needs to have an estate plan to protect themselves while they are living and to protect loved ones when they pass. Having an estate plan can eliminate confusion, expensive delays and overall bad outcomes, according…


Why “Regular Folks” Need an Estate Plan

An estate plan does a lot more than distribute your assets among family members and organizations that share your values. It also protects you and your loved ones. That’s why everyone needs an estate plan, especially if you have minor children. It’s amazing that some people still think they don’t…


Over 21? You Need an Estate Plan

If you are old enough to drive, work a job and have a bank account, you need to have an estate plan. It’s part of being a responsible adult. Leaving adolescence behind means a life that includes responsibility for yourself and for those you love. That has traditionally included basics…


Not Your Everyday Yard Sale: Houston’s New Estate Sale

Whether for reasons of death or divorce, an estate sale can be an emotional roller coaster. Prepare yourself for challenges so that you are not taken by surprise when possessions unleash a flood of memories. It's not always easy to make rational decisions when handling the logistics of an estate sale, explains…


Recent Changes in Estate Planning Laws May be Cause for Review of Your Houston Estate Plan

Recent change in tax laws have many people rethinking their estate plans. Also, changes in the normal course of life make it a good idea for persons with estates that range from small to large to review wills, trusts, powers of attorney and beneficiary designations of insurance, IRAs, and other…


No Kids? You Still Need Houston Estate Plan

When most people think of wills and estate plans, they usually think about the primary function of distributing assets to children. The natural next thought is, if they have no children, then they don't need a will. But estate plans, and especially wills, actually serve a number of important purposes,…


Is Your Estate Plan In Place?

Perhaps the biggest reason to have an estate plan is to decide who will raise and care for your children if you and your spouse should both pass away. An experienced estate attorney who is knowledgeable about guardian ship laws in your state can help you make a plan, as…


Estate Claims Nude Photos Disparaging

Several nude photographs of the late artist Jean-Michel Basquiat were taken by his ex-girlfriend Paige Powell. The photographs, which were shown as part of an art exhibition in 2014, show Basquiat reclining on the bed, smiling at the camera. Subsequently, they were posted on several art websites. One of those…


Do You Have a Plan in Mind?

We’ve been taught since childhood to plan for college, plan our careers, plan our families, and plan for retirement.  However, end-of-life planning advice is rarely followed. Survey after survey reveals that most Americans do not have estate plans. Recently, the Huffington Post published “5 reasons to Plan Ahead for the…

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