Planning for life with Alzheimer’s includes selecting trusted family members or friends who can assist with legal and financial matters.
It was at least three years after his diagnosis that comedic actor Gene Wilder revealed he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. This is not unusual, according to experts discussing his situation in the Investment News article, “Hiding Alzheimer's, like Gene Wilder did, is natural, so prepare for it with all clients.” Wilder, star of Blazing Saddles, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and many other classic comedies, died at age 83 from complications of Alzheimer's disease. He wanted to leave his audiences laughing, rather than being sad that he was suffering from this dreaded disease.
Most Alzheimer's patients will hide their symptoms as long as they can because they fear losing control of their lives if family or friends are under the impression they can’t take care of things on their own.