Articles Posted in Asset Protection

5.16.16The numbers are still small, but as Boomers age, the reverse mortgage may grow in popularity to maintain a certain quality of life.

Reviled for years for high costs, today the reverse mortgage—sometimes referred to as a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECMs)—is a government-insurance loan that allows qualified seniors to turn illiquid home equity into tax free cash that they can use in a variety of ways. Many older adults in Houston use the reverse mortgage to make it possible to stay in their homes during retirement.

The Fifty-Plus Advocate says in "Top ways to use a reverse mortgage" that when used properly, a reverse mortgage may be the solution to living an independent, fulfilling life. A reverse mortgage lets you retain full control and ownership of your home. You are still obligated to maintain the property and to pay real estate taxes and homeowner's insurance, but you can stay in your home for the rest of your life. You also can sell your home at any time without a penalty, and any profit from the sale after paying off the reverse mortgage belongs to you. In many instances, properties held in a trust or life estates are eligible.

5.13.2016Recent change in tax laws have many people rethinking their estate plans. Also, changes in the normal course of life make it a good idea for persons with estates that range from small to large to review wills, trusts, powers of attorney and beneficiary designations of insurance, IRAs, and other interests to achieve the most beneficial tax advantages.

In the beginning of January 2013, Congress made permanent the ability of a person to acquire his or her deceased spouse’s unused estate tax exemption through portability, and approved the larger estate and gift tax exemption of $5.45 million (for 2016) per person adjusted every year for inflation. For a married couple the exemption is potentially double that amount, or $10.9 million (for 2016). We believe that it is important for you to know that you may have an alternative to simplify your current trust structure without paying any estate tax, and in fact, for your beneficiaries to pay less income tax.

You may have an “AB Trust” or “ABC Trust,” or a Family Trust that creates a Decedent’s Trust (also referred to as a “Bypass Trust”) and a Survivor’s Trust on the death of the first of you or your spouse. The recent legislation makes it useful to examine whether such trusts should be changed to simplify their operation. The trust could be simplified by eliminating the need to create new trusts if one spouse passes away survived by the other. Simplification of a trust would result in several benefits:

5.10.2016Once again, the value of image and other intangibles will overshadow any other issue with a celebrity estate that is expected to break earnings records.

The countdown on the estate tax liability for Prince's fortune has already begun, but arriving at the final number will not be easy and certainly will not be resolved without significant legal action.

For those involved with Prince's estate, calculating just how big Uncle Sam's bite may be a real challenge. Some say it's next to impossible and might also fuel a lengthy feud between the government and the estate, as more than half the estate's value could be forfeited in taxes.

100 billsSo, you didn’t win the big lottery? The country’s first billion dollar jackpot got a lot of folks dreaming about a lavish lifestyle and living the good life. Reality hit and your Houston lifestyle includes that Monday morning commute. Reality doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a plan.

US New & World Report's recent article "Lottery Winner or Not, Have a Windfall Plan," says let's have fun with the fantasy that your purchase of a $2 lotto ticket will make you a billionaire by discussing a lottery game plan:

Lottery Game Plan

Money in mayo jarExpect to see the word "phool" a lot in 2016 if a book by Nobel Economics Prize winners George Akerlof and Robert Shiller, "Phising for Phools," becomes a runaway hit this year. The two coined the phrase to describe a person who gets caught in a "phishing" scam, which covers a wide variety of financial scams. Save yourself by being smart enough to know what you don't know so you can focus on making money and building up your retirement nest egg.

The recent Forbes article, "One Powerful Money-Making Move for 2016," explains that most of us believe we know what's good for us, but when it comes to money we shoot ourselves in the foot—and wallet!

The root of phoolish behavior, Akerlof and Shiller say, is the self-conceit that you think you know more than all of the smart people who are trying to take your money every day. Can you compete with computers and sophisticated programs that take advantage of pricing glitches and make trades in milliseconds, as well as robots who move at the speed of light?

Bigstock-Family-Portrait-At-Christmas-4881212While not all encompassing, these guides serve as a starting point to help your parents. There are many family dynamics at play when these types of planning conversations arise, so you need to be cognizant of patterns and relationships. Starting earlier will reap dividends for everyone; delaying these conversations can cause more anxiety and tension.

Do your parents have all of their financial and estate plans in order? How do you have “the talk” without causing hurt feelings?

A recent article in The (Manchester, NH) Union-Leader, titled “Helping parents navigate their finances as they get older,” recommends a proactive approach as the best way to broach this delicate subject. Starting the conversation can be difficult for some, but waiting can cause even more headaches. For example, there are an increasing number of scams targeting our seniors. You want to be ahead of the curve to protect their nest egg and your time.

MP900422340 (1)Here are some "Get's" that will help you prepare for the Medicaid application process.

Get going five years before you think you need to. Medicaid has a five-year look back to all your parents' financial dealings. Which means transactions conducted during that time may be counted in determining their program eligibility. With this requirement, it’s good to have your parents' banks' names and numbers accessible. Regulators are looking at two things: if you're hiding any money and if you've given any away.

Also, if one or both of your parents still live in the family home and you’d like to keep it, you should try to transfer ownership or set up a trust at least five years before they apply for Medicaid. Although there are some exceptions, typically if you don’t address this issue, you will be forced to sell the home.

Bigstock-Family-Couple-Relationships-Cr-5604405"There are no 'do-overs' after you agree to a settlement," says Vickie Adams, a certified financial planner and certified divorce finance analyst in San Pedro, Calif. "After 50, you'll have fewer years to recoup from financial errors, so it's essential to get this right." Here are a few tips for protecting your finances during a later-in-life divorce.

Unfortunately, divorce is possible at any age. But there are differences in financial tactics depending on your stage of life, particularly for divorce after age 50. A recent article in USA Today, titled "Protect finances in later-in-life divorce," provides some tips for protecting your finances during a later-in-life divorce.

Use a third party mediator. Although some couples can sort things out on their own, many others use an impartial third party to help with the process. The original article says that couples heading into a divorce who choose to litigate should give their attorneys permission to contact their accountant, estate planning attorney, and financial adviser.

Money bagManziel is living in the moment and enjoying himself, which is something that Namath did throughout his career, continued Mr. Beatrice. We see a potential problem, however, with his outgoing and festive behavior, and it is not directly related to his abilities on the field. Let's talk about the possibility of Manziel going broke sometime after the year 2020; better yet, let's talk about how he can prevent a financial disaster.

All-star quarterback Jonathan Paul Manziel, or "Johnny Football," has been showing up a lot in news headlines lately … and not always for his passing skills.

Take his recent involvement in a federal lawsuit. The case was filed by a federal inmate known to file baseless civil actions using the names of people in the news and entertainment industries. Here he used the name of a CNN reporter. The claim said that Manziel had sexually harassed the plaintiff by posting inappropriate pictures on Instagram.

Money bagA domestic asset protection trust (often called DAPTs, or just APTs) allows the settlor (the trust creator or grantor) to be a discretionary beneficiary of the trust, while at the same time assuring protection of trust assets from claims of the creditors.

Trusts are powerful legal machines and the Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT) is a particularly intriguing machine, indeed. A recent article in Forbes sheds light on the concept and some of the finer points. The article, titled “How To Use a Nevada Asset Protection Trust To Safeguard Your Assets,” notes that in the same way all trusts are built they are not same, not all states treat them the same. It just so happens that a Nevada DAPT is a particularly well-crafted and well-situated machine for its purpose.

DAPTs in any state are a specific subset of trusts that protect assets by placing them within the safe confines on an irrevocable trust, but allow the owner to retain a level of control over the assets. In other words, it’s a way of having your cake and eating it too. It just so happens that trusts like these are also well-suited to multiple purposes and blend well into your overall plan for your assets during life and as part of your estate. In fact, a DAPT is never going to be your sole vehicle, because putting all of your assets into a protection trust is neither practical nor entirely defensible (it might not pass the sniff test for fraud). On the other hand, a DAPT may be your most precious holding.

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